xxxv. fenrir greyback

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         "I can't do this anymore." Anastasia stated, standing up from the maroon couch in the cozy living room.

          "But dear, it's going to be extremely dangerous." Andromeda Tonks babbled, holding the sleeping baby in her thin arms.

          "This feeling inside of my stomach is killing me. How can I stay here while my friends are there risking their lives?" The brunette asked, walking around the place with anxious movements and desperately trying to find her wand.

          "But—" The elderly woman began, but the moment her eyes met with Anastasia's she doubted of her words. "But what if you don't come back?"

          "That's a risk I'm willing to take."

          Andromeda sighed, clearly defeated. "Take care, then." She hugged the brunette tightly with her free arm.

          "You too." She mumbled as she pressed a meaning full kiss in the top of Ted's head. "I promise that I'll come back, and so will Remus and Tonks." She stated, giving the woman a reassuring squeeze.

          "I trust you." Andromeda nodded.

          The Slytherin exhaled deeply and turned around to walk out of the house. She pressed her thin lips together as her emerald eyes scanned the sky full of stars, her fingers shakily held the hand and shoved it inside the pocked of her old, black jeans. It had crossed her mind that, like Draco himself said, she was throwing herself into a suicide mission, she didn't have the assurance of coming back alive, let alone bring Remus or Tonks come back without a scratch.

          She had to take the risk.

          The moment Anastasia landed in solid floor, she felt Andromeda's homemade cookies urging her to leave her system. She fell in her knees somewhere in the place she was and let out whatever she had inside her stomach. She held her stomach as she gagged in the floor and grasped her wand to her chest as the food evacuated her body. Her head snapped up as soon as an additional voice echoed in the forest she was in, with the back of her hand, she cleaned her mouth and stood up with her hand raised in front of her.

          "Lumos." She whispered. A bright light emitted from the tip of her wand as she cautiously walked around the place she was in and searched for the massive castle she once called school. "Nox." She quickly muttered as soon as she heard steps coming closer to her.

          Her jaw fell to the floor at the sight of the massive amount of Death Eaters before her, almost instantly, the sick burning began taking over her arm and she found herself struggling to keep silent in her hiding spot. She watched with caution as her brain hurriedly formulated a plan to get into Hogwarts without being noticed by the lot.

          A sigh of relief left her lips when her emerald eyes caught the sight of the Covered Bridge a few steps close to her. Without taking her eyes out of the sight, she silently tried to take quiet but quick steps towards the bridge that seemed to be closer by the second.

          The girl whimpered as soon as she felt an arm around her neck. "Going somewhere?" The voice gave her goosebumps. Fenrir Greyback smiled with his horrible teeth. "I'm sure the Dark Lord is going to be pleased that his favorite servant is back."

          "Let go of me if you want to live." Anastasia grunted as she tried to suppress the pain in her arm.

          "Where's your boyfriend Draco? I bet he would be ecstatic to see how I bite his blood-traitor girlfriend." He whispered in her ear.

          "Greyback!" They both turned around as another voice came closer. "The Dark Lord gave us the order to attack from one of the towers!"

          The werewolf roared with anger as he tightened his grip around Anastasia's neck, she whimpered as she pressed her lips together.

          "This is not over, blood-traitor." He grumbled. "I'm not done with you. You're coming with us."

          The Slytherin tried to fight against his strong grip around her, but she was already flying and the sick sensation of throwing up took over her again. She closed her eyes as a vain attempt to forget about the mixed feelings she had in the moment, until she heard someone calling her name.

          "Look who we have here." Greyback smirked mischievously as soon as they landed. His grip around her tightened, causing the girl to groan loudly. "Isn't this your werewolf friend, blood-traitor?"

          "This is between you and me, Greyback. Leave her alone." Remus warned, pointing his wand at the man, if that's how you can call him.

          "Why would I?" The werewolf laughed bitterly. "She deserves to die, the Dark Lord ordered everyone to kill the traitor if we spotted her."

          Remus stared down at the girl, who shook her head hurriedly. His hand trembled uncontrollably as he raised his wand at the werewolf. But Greyback was faster. He let go of the girl but instantly grabbed her forearm with strength, making her yell loudly at the dreadful pain. The werewolf smirked as soon as he took out his wand and placed the tip of it over her skin, making Remus take a step closer.

        Anastasia felt her body in flames as soon as the magical object made contact with her now blooded skin. Screams echoed in the small tower as the werewolf howled triumphally. The hideous outline of the Dark Mark started to be more visible by the second and tears cascaded down her cheeks.


The girl fell to the floor with a loud thud as soon as she felt Greyback letting her go from his tight embrace. She felt a pair of arms rapidly pulling her up, but everything she could see through her blurry vision was a war of green and red lights colliding together, screams and explosions everywhere. She looked up, only to find Remus exclaiming and calling for her, but his words were empty, she was too stunned taking everything that was happening at once.

         "Anastasia!" She finally snapped out of her thoughts, her emerald eyes met the man's gaze. "Why are you here? You shouldn't be here!"

         "I—I want to help!" The girl exclaimed as well, her grip around her wand tightened. "Petrificus Totalus!" She pointed her wand at a Death Eater coming their way.

         "Go! Go!" Tonks yelled, dueling against a snatcher. "We'll be fine!"

         "Go help Neville and the others!" Remus ordered.

          Ignoring the battle around her, Anastasia jumped over the man's arms and gave him a tight, bone-wrecking hug. The act caught Remus out of guard, but that didn't stop him from returning the gesture, because, after all, the girl was now like a daughter to him and Tonks.

         "Promise me we will get out of this and be a family like you said." She exclaimed.

         "I promise, now go!" He yelled and Anastasia nodded rigorously before racing down the stairs and to the bigger battle.

          Little did she know that the moment she left, Remus broke his promise. And all because of Fenrir Greyback.


I literally sat in front of my computer for almost an hour trying to think of the exact words or way to kill Remus without crying in the way...

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