xliv. america

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"I don't—I, How could you?" Draco stuttered, his voice quivered because of the anger he felt. "Why would you do that?" He frowned. "You're my mother!"

"And because I'm your mother I did it." Narcissa admitted, looking for his son's eyes, but he couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze. He felt betrayed. "Look at me, Draco."

When he did, she was surprised to find tears forming in his eyelids. "I don't understand." He shook his head, then ran his hands over his platinum hair.

"I did it for your own good, Draco. You're my only son, and I've dedicated my whole life to protect you. I don't see why you're upset, I saved you a big heartbreak." The woman explained, trying to reach out, but the young man backed away quickly.

"Mother, didn't you see how heartbroken I was after she left? Isn't that enough proof that you were wrong by burning the bloody letter?" Draco exclaimed desperately.

"Mind your tone, Draco." His mother ordered calmly, making him bite his lip out of frustration. "And it's time you understand you had no future with that girl. She was too rebellious and insolent, and she lives with a lot of lunatics that everything they own are from second-hand stores!"

"But I don't care about that." He admitted truthfully. "Not anymore." He finally met his mother's gaze.

"Well isn't that unfortunate. Look at you, the heir of a very wealthy family spending time with a family that's not, well, rich, I mean, not wealthy at all! If your father was here—"

"But he isn't. He's in Azkaban, where he belongs to be."

"How dare you to talk about your father like that!" She scolded him, but the only thing the young man could do was roll his eyes with annoyance.

"And how dare you to stick your bloody nose in my life?" He roared angrily. Narcissa flinched, she had never seen her son act that way.

"Because I'm your mother!" She roared louder.

"Sometimes I wish you weren't." He mumbled looking down at his feet.

Narcissa's face softened. "Draco—" She reached out to pat his shoulder.

"Don't touch me." He wiggled out of her touch.

"Before going to Azkaban, your father made me promise him to look after you, to look for your happiness. That's what I've been doing the whole time."

"So this was my father's idea." Draco nodded several times. "I knew it. He can't even let me live while he's rotting in prison!" He banged his fist over the wall with anger. "And I can't believe you obeyed his silly commands. He's blinded by the money and prejudice! And you're following his steps!"

"Draco, calm down, dear."

"The next time you visit father tell him that I'm done with his bloody stunts to restrain me from my happiness." He said as he turned around to walk out of the manor. "And that my engagement with Astoria is off."

"Where are you going? Draco Lucius Malfoy come back right now!"

"I'm going to America."

"For the third time, I'll be back when the season is over. It won't be too long!" Anastasia chuckled as she finished packing the last item of clothes inside her trunk. "Besides, everyone in England must be really excited with the wedding of the century to notice I'm gone." She said in a mockery tone. Harry laughed.

"Well, at least you can find a nice American wizard to help you move on from you know who." Ginny pointed, tossing the brunette the last items to pack.

"Move on from Voldemort? Annie! Are you mad?" Ron exclaimed, making the group burst into laughter. "What?"

"She means Draco, Ronald. Not, Voldemort." Hermione exclaimed, still giggling. "Voldemort! How silly you are!" She pecked his cheek quickly, Anastasia raised an eyebrow.

"Done." She half-smiled as she closed her trunk. "I should get going if I want to get to London in time."

"How are you going to America, anyway?" Ginny frowned.

"Muggle transportation." The emerald-eyed girl muttered as she carried the trunk to the first floor with the help of George. "It's quite amazing if you ask me."

"Can I go?" Ron turned to Mrs. Weasley, who laughed.

"Of course not, Ron. You have plenty of things to do here in England." She said. "Besides, if you go, Harry and Hermione will go too, and if they go, Ginny will tag along. I'll be left with no children!" Anastasia laughed.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Weasley, I won't take your children away from you." She pointed, stopping in the porch with a smile.

"But one of my children is leaving!" She half-smiled, holding the girl's hand. "Oh! I almost forgot!" The woman exclaimed loudly.

"What, mum?" George frowned with confusion as he followed his mother around the first floor, looking for something. "What are you doing? Annie's running late!"

"Oh, I know, I know." She said, walking back with a package in her arms. "Here. In case you miss home." Anastasia placed the trunk back in the floor and held the package in her hands.

With a bright smile, she began opening it with trembling hands and gasped at the sight in front of her. It was a blue sweater with a big "A" in the front. She chuckled lightly and hugged the woman with strength and love.

"It's beautiful. I absolutely love it." She smiled. "Thank you."

"We're very proud of what you've accomplished, darling. It's beautiful to see you slowly going back to the bright and happy witch you used to be."

Anastasia felt her eyes getting full of tears, but she didn't want to cry and ruin the special moment. Her smile widened as she jumped over the woman and embraced her in another hug, and did the same with every member of the family that was around of her.

"Now, now, you should get going if you want to get in time." Mrs. Weasley hurried them. "America is waiting for you."

The girl sighed as she leaned on to take the trunk in her hands, but stopped. Her eyebrows knitted together as she straightened and turned to see the family once again, her heart beating faster as she looked at each member with a sad expression in her features. Did she really want to leave again? To miss an important part of their lives? Was she willing to lose her family for a year, just to try and escape the unavoidable heartbreak of Draco's engagement?

"I can't go." She whispered. "I—It doesn't feel right." She said as she placed the trunk back in the floor.

Mrs. Weasley clasped her hands together as she watched the girl think. The woman took a step closer and cupped Anastasia's face in her soft hands. "Do whatever your heart desires, my dear."

"I want to be happy." The brunette whispered with a sad smile.

"Oh, darling." She embraced the girl in a tight hug as the girl cried silently in her shoulder. "I know that your heart is shattered, but leaving is going to break it even more. You need to be surrounded by your family, people that love you."

Anastasia nodded. "I think I'm staying here. With my family."

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