xxiv. back to hogwarts

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The platform was almost empty and lifeless as Anastasia walked to the train with Remus and Nymphadora by her sides. Her emerald-eyes traveled over the dark place as some families said their goodbye's to their respective sons or daughters going to the magical school.

Anastasia looked at a couple kissing and hugging their children not so far from them, causing her to look away with a lump in her throat. A deep sigh left her lips as she turned to face the couple in front of her.

"I can't go." She sternly said, her eyes diverting from Remus to his wife.

"Yes, you can, Annie." Remus took her by her bony shoulders. "You will finish your last year in Hogwarts and you'll be safe from danger."

"But—" She began but was cut off by him embracing her in a tight hug.

"You are a strong girl, Annie." Remus said, resting his chin in her head as he sent a sad smile at his wife. "You'll get through this." He smiled. "After the war is over and everyone is happy and safe, you can live with us. And take care of Teddy, like a big sister." Anastasia smiled sadly at him and hugged the tall man again.

"Thank you, for everything." She whispered, now hugging Nymphadora with tears threatening to leave her green eyes.

"Now go, we don't want to be the reason you miss the train." She hugged the couple once more and turned to climb the train, not before being stopped by Remus.

"Take this." He said, handing her a small picture and then the train was moving.

Anastasia waved at them with a smile. She turned around and made her way to an empty compartment, ignoring the glances everyone was throwing her. A few moments later, she found Ginny and Neville inside a compartment, they gladly accepted her inside.

"Isn't it strange?" Neville spoke out, resting his temple in the window. "Hogwarts without them. Harry, Ron and Hermione, I mean." He added, looking at the two girls in front of them.

"It is." Ginny nodded, playing with her wand in silence. "What about you, Annie?"

"Yeah, strange." She said, bringing her legs to her chest and eyes lost in the view next to her. "After all, they are my best friends and I used to be with them every day."

"What about Malfoy?" Ginny asked, frowning.

"Excuse me?" Anastasia turned to see her ginger friend.

"Well, you two were—" Neville began.

"Nothing." The emerald-eyed girl interrupted, frowning. "We were nothing but housemates."

   The two teenagers glanced at each other with puzzled eyes, Anastasia noticed it because she soon changed the topic for something less uncomfortable that could make her thoughts drift off from the brutal reality she was living in. Neville decided to start talking about Herbology and how excited he was to take it again in that new year.

"I'd like to teach Herbology one day." The shy boy smiled sheepishly at his friends. "Professor Sprout said I could."

"Of course, Nev. You're brilliant in Herbology, more than 'Mione and I together, I may add." Anastasia smiled at the boy, the gesture was so sweet that made Neville blush and look away from her intriguing emerald orbs.

"And what do you want to do after Hogwarts, Annie?" He questioned, smiling.

"It's quite foolish, actually." The brunette shrugged, looking at the window. "I bet Ginny has something to say that is far more interesting."

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