xii. malfoy manor

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         Anastasia tensed up at the sight of the big and dark building in front of her. She swore to never go back there, but as Draco held her close to him, she felt relief take over her expressions. Her muscles relaxed at his touch and both hesitantly walked towards the manor. Before Draco could place his hand in the big handle, it was already burst open by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange.

          "Draco, you're back." A devious smirk took over her dark expressions. "With Anastasia, I see." She eyed the short girl carefully. Her black eyes traveled over the blonde boy's arm and Anastasia's hand wrapped around it, the pair noticed and because of it, the girl tried to break apart but he didn't let her.

          "Are you going to leave us here?" He questioned, raising one of his eyebrows.

          "Come in." The evil woman turned around and slowly walked inside, the teenagers trailed behind with the house elves taking the trunks. "Cissy, Draco is here." She turned to see Anastasia and spoke, "And he is not alone." A smirk took over her features.

          The next thing she knew, Narcissa Malfoy stood in front of her with a cold expression. Draco stood straight as he eyed the woman, but her black eyes were focused on the brunette with scared eyes and quivering lips.

          "Welcome back." She spoke, looking briefly at her son. "I told the house elf to put your belongings in your dormitory, Draco." She turned to see Anastasia, whose cold glare met with the woman's eyes. "As for you—"

          "She'll sleep with me in my dormitory." He quickly interrupted her.

          "I won't allow it." Out of nowhere, a tall man with dark eyes and blonde hair walked in. He eyed the girl as he paced around the room in silence.

          "I wasn't asking for your permission, Father." Draco said, which caused Anastasia to look up at him with a confused look in her eyes. "Come here, Anastasia." He took her hand gently and pulled her to the luxurious staircase.

          The pair walked to the second floor in silence, Anastasia was too focused looking where she was stepping to notice a small elf walking past them and looking at both of them with scared eyes.

          She watched as Draco opened a tall door and stepped inside with a frown, she followed him inside and took in how big and dark his room was. The room had changed drastically since the last time she entered when she was 11 and Draco invited her inside to play Wizard Chess.

          "Make yourself comfortable." Said Draco, casting a locking spell in the door.

          "They hate me, right?" Anastasia asked, her fingertips made contact with her forearm as she studied the room. Her green eyes stopped in a pair of grey ones looking at her with guilt.

          "Don't take it personally. They are like that with everyone," He took short steps to her and embraced the girl in a warm hug. "Even with me." He added a few seconds after.

          "I think coming here was a bad idea." Anastasia locked her eyes with his. "They clearly don't want me here."

          "But I do, and they don't matter." His fingers brushed past her cheek and placed a rebel string of hair behind her ear. "Let's go to bed, it's late."

          "Am I really going to sleep here?" Anastasia looked at him with a frown. He chuckled and gave her a small peck on her lips.

          "I don't bite, Rosie." Draco walked past her and towards the bathroom inside the massive room. He gave her a quick look before locking himself inside.

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