xiii. conversations

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Anastasia barged inside her new room with the house elves following her with her trunks in their tiny arms. The brunette noticed the pair struggling, a half-smile crept into her features as she held the trunk in her arms and placed it in the other side of the room. She turned to find their big eyes staring at her with disbelief. It made her miss Willow.

"You can go now." She smiled and the two elves walked out of the room.

The girl was about to jump over the bed when she noticed a red dress placed over the comforter. A loud gasp left her lips as she took her in her arms and eyed carefully, it was beyond beautiful. A long list of words to describe the dress appeared in her mind as her fingers brushed past the smooth materials.

A knock on the door made her instantly turn around, her eyes met Narcissa's from the other side of the room as the woman looked at her with a half-smile that made goosebumps appear in Anastasia's arms. She carefully placed the dress back in the bed and looked at the woman in front of her.

"I see you like the dress." Narcissa spoke, holding her chin up while her eyes traveled over the brunette.

"You sent the dress?" Anastasia questioned, raising her eyebrows with amusement.

"Indeed, Anastasia. I noticed you don't have a dress for tonight's ball and I won't let Draco's date look like a beggar." If those words hurt Anastasia, she did an amazing job hiding it because Narcissa raised her eyebrows.

"I am Draco's date?" She questioned, frowning. "I thought I wasn't invited."

"Don't be silly." The woman bitterly laughed. "Respectable Death Eaters and wizards are coming today, are we hiding our secret weapon from the guests? Of course not."

"Secret weapon?" Anastasia repeated. The situation had taken an unexpected twist. "Excuse me, Ma'am, but I don't quite understand what you are talking about."

"You are a very bright witch, Anastasia. Everyone knows that." It was Anastasia's first instinct to step back when Narcissa entered the room with a smug smirk in her features. "The Dark Lord himself trusts on you, he knows that inside that little head of yours are the answers to defeat that insolent boy."

"Harry—" Anastasia began but was quickly interrupted.

"Don't interrupt me, please." The way she asked her made the girl to keep quiet as she eyed the woman pacing around the room. "As I was saying," She took a seat in a luxurious couch close to the big window. "That's why you have been asked to befriend him. Now, I need you to tell me what you know, or your brother will pay the consequences."

Fear lingered inside her body as she locked eyes with the evil woman in front of her. Her eyes turned to her trunk where she knew her wand was, but without it she knew it was useless to do something. Instead, she stood straight and raised her eyebrows at the woman.

"Just like you said, Harry is just an insolent boy who doesn't even know how to make a potion without following instructions of a damn book. It will be easy to defeat him." Anastasia didn't know why, but she was already lying to Draco's mother.

"Are you completely sure?" The woman stood up, cautiously walking to the girl.

"I've seen him, Ma'am. He is just plain stupid." She lied, looking directly at the woman's cold eyes. "I doubt he comes out with an idea to defeat the Dark Lord."

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