xxviii. the letter

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         The life at Hogwarts was slowly turning painful as the days passed. Anastasia and Neville seemed to be the professors' favorite students as they spent almost every afternoon in detention. It was usually because of every confrontation between the Carrow's and their own ideals of equality and protecting the younger students from the Death-Eaters.      

          That day wasn't different.

          The Slytherin walked across the hall with her free hand rubbing her arm. She was used by the aching pain in her forearm every time she was close to the dark wizards, the girl had grown accustomed to it after several detentions with the Carrow siblings.

          In silence, she stepped into the usually dark common room and ignored her housemates glaring at her with anger; without acknowledging them, she barged into her own room and slammed the door shut. She turned around and got rid of her emerald robes and tight shoes, leaving them somewhere in the room.

          A loud squeal left her lips at the sight of a tawny owl in front of the window, eyeing her with its head tilted to the side and a small piece of parchment attached to the leg. The brunette didn't recognize the animal or who could be its owner, but stepped forward to it anyways. She shakily stretched her hand and patted the owl's head with nervousness, expecting it to bite her hand with strength, but for her surprise, it didn't.

          "Who could have sent this?" She mumbled, taking the parchment from the tiny leg.

          Her eyes traveled over the room and quickly muttered a lock charm under her breath. A smug smile crept into her features when the door locked and the thought of finally managing to do wandless magic urged her to feel proud of herself. She glanced back at the parchment and gasped at the handwriting in the old material, Hermione was the one who sent the letter.

Dear Annie,

We've received your letters. Thank you for being worried but I reassure you that we are fine, well, sort of.

The thing is, Ron left us. I don't know why he suddenly started to act like an arse, but I won't lie to you, it hurt. He said very barbaric things to Harry and left without any note. I'm worried sick about him.

Anyway... we found a horcrux. I'm not really sure how to destroy it, Harry and I have tried everything. I suspect that it possesses dark magic, therefore Ron acted that way with Harry and I. Harry reckons it is because he used it for so long.

I'm thankful that you finally know what had been hurting you. I was quite worried about you when we left the wedding that night. I—We miss you like crazy. We wish you were here with us, especially now. Everything is so dark and horrible out there, Ron couldn't stop listening the radio in hope of not hearing his parents', Ginny's or anyone's name on it. I'm scared to hear my parents or your name on it too. Please stay safe.

I've noticed a strangle symbol in the book Dumbledore left me. It keeps appearing everywhere, Harry saw Xenophilius Lovegood wearing a necklace with the symbol on it. It'd really help if you could search in the library for some sort of information about it.

I can't tell you where we are, but I know you'll manage to find us, you always do.

Love, Hermione. △⃒⃘

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