ii. hogwarts

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Anastasia walked inside the big and cozy train with tears threatening to leave her eyes and the bags under her eyes started to speak for themselves. She held her head up as she made her way through the stretched corridor full of bubbly and excited students. The Gryffindor's looked at her like if she had seen a ghost, and she smiled with sadness, because she already turned into a numb and sad ghost.

"Rosier, take a seat here!" She turned around to face Pansy Parkinson smirking at her direction.

"Hello, Parkinson." The girl mumbled as she hesitantly took a seat next to the girl. "How was your summer?" Anastasia knew her voice quivered for a split of second.

"Nothing different." The tall girl shrugged, looking bored. "I sent Draco a lot of letters, he never answered." Anastasia didn't know what to say at that, so she simply nodded and looked at the window.

Her eyes locked with her parents' from the window and a pain in her heart made her look away with squinted eyes. She well knew she was betraying them at serving the Dark Lord and becoming a Death Eater, but everything was just to protect her family from a terrible end.

"Rosier." Someone sitting across her caught her attention. "Anastasia," She composed herself and looked up to find Blaise Zabini smirking at her.

"Hello, Zabini." She politely spoke but the one and only Draco Malfoy entering the room made her choke with her words.

"You look nice. Summer helped you." The girl didn't know what to say, so she just half-smiled and turned to look back at the window.

"Was something I said?" She heard the boy whispering next to her, Anastasia chose to ignore the conversation and focused on the view in front of her.

Meanwhile, Draco dropped the black journal in the table in front of him. His eyes were lost in the blank pages as he opened it; every minute, he turned his face to admire the quiet girl in the other side of the compartment.

Since he saw her walking out of his manor with broken eyes and cheeks full of tears, Draco firmly thought he may be imagining or his heart had skipped a beat whenever she was brought to the conversation. The summer consisted in him getting mentally and physically ready to complete the task the Dark Lord left him, and every now and then trying to make his parents tell him why Anastasia Rosier was in their manor.

He never got a response, so he was determined to find the truth behind her sudden change of attitude.

In a sudden act of confidence, he stood up and walked towards the table where she was sitting along with his stupid and useless friends making fun of the people passing by. Draco instantly knew she wasn't interested in their conversation because her eyes were lost in the fields they passed.

"Draco! How are you, mate?" Zabini exclaimed, scaring the young girl at his sudden outburst.

Draco's world suddenly stopped when she looked up at him and he noticed the state she was in, probably the same as him. He felt as if her piecing green eyes were wandering inside his soul because suddenly he felt like a light bolt had hit him. He hoped, in a distant universe or in different circumstances, that she had felt it too.

In that moment, he eyed her carefully, completely ignoring Blaise constant questions and jokes that no one found funny. The platinum blonde boy swore he saw a flicker of fear in her eyes the moment they locked with his.

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