vii. breakdown

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       The tension between Anastasia and Draco was really palpable. Even the professor had noticed it when the two teenagers bumped into each other and shared an intense war of glances, he had to interrupt it before they could kill each other in the middle of the lesson.

      "Why don't you buy a new brain, Rosier? It seems like yours had stopped functioning." Draco exclaimed as soon as Anastasia accidentally poured the wrong ingredient in her cauldron.

      "Why don't you buy a new life, Malfoy? So you can replace it with that miserable excuse of life you proudly brag of." A smirk appeared in her features as soon as the class broke into a sea of cheers celebrating that she had finally put the boy in his deserved place.

      "Fuck you." He muttered walking to the other side of the room and towards the girl.

       "You wish." She replied, already standing in front of him and taking her wand out.

        In that moment, professor Slughorn had already stepped in front of the pair for the third time in the class. He seemed uncomfortable to be in that position but it was inevitable as Anastasia and Draco looked at each other just like if they had been throwing daggers.

       "He's not worth it, Anastasia." Harry mumbled at the girl as he tugged her robes to his direction, desperately trying to make her to stop looking at the blonde boy.

       "What, Rosie? Are you going to cry in mommy's arms?" Draco mocked her, causing Anastasia to instantly turn around with an angered expression.

       "Flipendo!" She exclaimed, her wand pointing at the boy who was instantly knocked over and landed in the other side of the room.

       "Miss Rosier!" Slughorn yelled, causing the girl to stop in her tracks and look at the professor with surprise. But it was too late, because soon enough she was knocked away just like Draco previously did.

       "I'm going to kill you, Malfoy!" She said as soon as she stood up with the help of Hermione.

        "Anastasia, stop!" Hermione was quicker than her and took the ash wood wand from Anastasia's hand.

         Before someone could do anything else, Snape entered the room with an amused expression. He didn't take long enough to deduce that his two favorite students had almost killed each other inside a classroom.

        "Professor Snape, I'm glad you're here." Slughorn seemed truly concerned about the situation so he hurriedly made his way to the man. "These two almost killed each other in my lesson!"

        "I'll make sure they receive a punishment." He eyed the two of them carefully. "Mister Malfoy, Miss Rosier. Come with me." He watched as Draco shoved a few students out of his way and Anastasia take her wand from Hermione's hand to get out of the classroom behind the arrogant boy.

        "I'm sorry, professor." She apologized to Slughorn who looked at her dumbfounded. "I'll try to fix the objects we broke." And with that, they were out of the classroom.

         Their steps echoed in the empty halls as Anastasia used all her power to not throw another spell at the fuming boy next to Snape. The both teenagers were growing full purple bruises but none of them seemed to care as they followed the man.

        "What were you thinking?" He sneered, abruptly turning around. "You almost destroyed the classroom!" He was beyond furious for what they saw, that didn't stop them from arguing.

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