xxxviii. goodbye

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Right after the war, everything turned chaotic for the Weasley family and Anastasia. The deaths of their loved ones craved a hole in their hearts, the agony of losing them was horrible but for the sake of each other's they tried to move on. Well, almost everyone.

It was pouring rain, thunderstorm stroke in the sky and illuminated part of the massive house where they were gathered in, a comfortable silence had taken over The Burrow; although the aura around the place was depressing, no one dared to make a comment about it.

The brunette interlaced her own fingers together as she stared at the window before her, she brought her knees to her chest in seek of comfort. Her emerald eyes blinked away the tears as her right hand shakily took the quill and bathed the tip of it in ink, the lump in her throat started to grow as she rested the tip of the quill in the parchment. Suddenly, the room was silent and the only thing she could hear, besides her steady breathing, was the echo of Narcissa's words inside her head.

"Did you really think you could make my son happy? You fool! Look at you! Living with these lot of lunatics because you have no family to take you in! What could you possibly contribute to live with my son? Dear, do yourself and Draco a favor and stay away from him. Right now he needs to be home to try and get better from the recent events, you will only be a burden to him."

She shook her head rapidly with a fist of sobs trapped inside her chest. She wanted to scream, cry and let everything out, but again, she wasn't the only one feeling that way.

         Her bony shoulders started to shake up and down, and her arms instantly tried to calm her as she wrapped them around herself. Anastasia was done of crying and suffering, but it seemed like the universe had another plans for her.

Dear Draco:

By the time you get this, I'll be probably leaving to America.

I want you to know that I didn't leave because I didn't love you, I left because I love you more than words can explain, and I want you to be really happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world, because even though you came off as a spoiled git in the beginning, you are one of the kindest persons I've ever met. The way you worry about your loved ones is a gift not everybody has, and I'm proud that we crossed paths. In the worst scenario, but we did, and I will be forever grateful for that.

Please don't be sad because of my departure, because I'm doing you a favor. You and I both know how damaged the war left us, and I'm surprised at how perfectly fine you look on the outside; you can fool everyone, but not me. I know a look of pain and sadness when I see one, and I've heard you crying and screaming in the middle of the night. Believe me, you're better off this way.

Now you're with your family and even if you hide it, you are happy. Happy because they are alive and safe by your side, and I want to keep it that way. I want to see your smile again and see you throw your head back and hug your sides when you laugh, I want you to raise your eyebrows when you make a sassy remark. I want you to be entirely happy, and for that, I need to leave.

Before I finish this letter I need to remind you that I love you, very much. I love you so much that my heart wants to explode every time I'm near you or even at the thought of you.

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