xxxiv. war

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« WAR »

Anastasia stared down at her hands as she traced random figures in Draco's hand. Her leg started to bounce up and down uncontrollably as the raindrops hitting the windows made echo in the room. Her emerald eyes flickered from her lap to the group of people in front of her, staring at her with a frown.

"Bill sent me an owl. Harry, Ron and Hermione just left their place to go to Gringotts." Remus explained, catching her attention.

"Why would they go there?" Molly asked, frowning.

"They are hunting Voldemort's horcruxes." Anastasia spoke, gaining everyone's attention. "Harry reckons Bellatrix is hiding one in her vault." Her grip around Draco's hand tightened, making him flinch.

"Professor McGonagall sent me an owl too. She says that professors are ready to fight if they are needed." Kingsley pointed, resting his hands in the large, rusty table.

"And what is Malfoy doing here?" George stepped in, crossing his arms over his chest as he and Fred eyed him carefully.

"His father probably sent him as a spy." Fred added, gaining an eye roll from the Slytherin.

Remus exhaled deeply, "He joined us."


"No way!"

"Silence!" Arthur scolded the twins. "He is on our side. He betrayed the Dark Lord when he saved your brothers' and Hermione's arse. So you better watch out your mouth when it comes to your sister's boyfriend."

The small brunette snapped her head at his direction.

"Sister?" She repeated.

"Of course, dear. You are part of the family too." Molly walked to her and embrace Anastasia in a tight hug.

"Which means that Draco will come along to the battle." Kingsley spoke out.

"What?" Anastasia jumped at the man's statement. Her green eyes met Draco's grey eyes as she searched for answers.

"I want to help."

"I'll come with you, then." She nodded shortly.

"Absolutely not." The boy shook his head, holding her small hands in his. "You'll stay here with Remus' wi—"

"Tonks. You can call me Tonks." The woman smiled, holding the small baby in her arms. The boy half-smiled. "And Annie, I know it sounds frustrating but you are still vulnerable for—"

"But I need to go." She argued, turning her head to Remus. "Please."

          The adults turned their heads to the man, who bowed his head with frustration and walked to the brunette with unsteady steps.

          "I know you need to go, I know you want to see your brother once again." He said calmly, holding her shoulders. "But it's too dangerous, Annie. You are barely recovering from a cruciatus curse, what if it happens again?"

          "But you don't understand! I want to talk to William, make him understand!" She roared with anger. "Maybe if he listens to me, maybe he would understand."

          "Sorry, Annie. But you are staying here."

          Anastasia held her breath with a frown, then exhaled sharply and stared back at Draco, who was looking at her with worry in his grey eyes. She pressed her lips together and nodded hesitantly.

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