xiv. firewhiskey

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By the time it was barely midnight, the teenagers' veins were full of the alcoholic drink. Somehow, they had managed to take a few bottles from the deserted kitchen and steal them for themselves. The guests were oblivious to the situation as most of them were in the same state as them, if not more.

Draco laughed loudly when he stepped over a big rock and collided in the floor, Anastasia also laughed at his clumsiness, something the alcohol made him do. He took the girl's hand and pulled himself up with the bottle still in his hand.

"Remember when you fell into the Black Lake in third year?" The blonde boy chuckled, his arm loosely wrapped around Anastasia's shoulders. "You fooled us into thinking you were dying."

"I was!" She smiled, punching his chest lightly and snatching the bottle from his long hand. "You were too busy making fun of me to notice!" The boy laughed one more time before placing his lips over her head. Anastasia took a long gulp of the bottle and handed it to Draco, who took it immediately.

As the teenagers walked around the field, the stars illuminated the clean sky. It was a breathtaking view but for Draco, Anastasia was way a better view than the stars above them. He closely admired the girl observing the constellations above them. Her emerald eyes had an interesting sparkle in them that Draco didn't know if it was because of the alcohol or because of the view. Either way, he loved it.

"Look! That one looks like a bird!" She pointed at the dark sky, he titled his head up to find the constellation she pointed at.

"I don't know, it looks more like a centaur," The blonde boy commented, gaining a snort from Anastasia.

"You don't even know how a centaur looks like." She noted, looking at his profile in awe.

"I have." He looked down, smirking. "Remember when McGonagall sent me to the Forbidden Forest with Potter and his minions?" Anastasia recalled the event, but the substance in her veins made the memory distorted. "Well, I did see a centaur that night. Briefly, but I did." The information was new to the girl so she raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"I didn't know that." She simply replied, looking back at the sky. "That one looks like a dragon." This time she whispered.

"I was named after that constellation." Draco whispered as well, as if he didn't want anyone to know. "Mother says they did because of the Black tradition." He pointed.

"That's really interesting." Anastasia gave him a quick kiss in his now cold cheek.

Neither of them said anything after that, and it wasn't like they needed to. Both had gotten used to the comfortable silence that seemed to be always lingering around them. It made them feel relaxed. Draco looked down at the girl and held her hand in his, the cold material of his ring made contact with her skin, making her switch her eyes from the sky to him.

Draco smiled and turned to face her, he had to bow his head a little to have a better look of her features. Admiring her face was one of his favorite things to do, and not in the creepy way, thank you so much. He found simply adoration in every inch, every part of her face. From her emerald eyes to her plump pink lips that seemed to be always urging him to kiss them.

This time, he didn't stay with the desire of crashing his lips with hers. He leaned closer and before sending her another glance, his lips were already dancing to the same compass as her. His arms pulled the girl closer as he felt his heart pound at the moment and butterflies erupt in his stomach.

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