xlv. love letters

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         The next morning, the rays of sunshine entering the room and landing right in front of Anastasia's face made her squint her eyes and open them slowly, blinking several times as she groaned with annoyance. She turned her face to the side and frowned at Ginny's empty bed. Almost simultaneously, screaming echoed in the first floor and made her push the covers aside, jump out of the bed and take her wand quickly. Running, she jumped down the stairs taking two steps at the time.

          "What the bloody hell is happening here?" She said, looking at the family jumping and hugging.

          "Ginny and Harry are getting married!" Hermione explained cheerfully as she walked to the brunette. "Isn't that awesome!" The girl turned her gaze to Ron, who was talking with Harry and George.

          Anastasia squealed as she jumped over Ginny to embrace her in a tight hug, which the ginger returned with a loud laugh and with the same strength. They stayed there, hugging and rocking from side to side a long time as they jumped and celebrated the fact that her little sister was getting married with her best friend. It was something beautiful to wake up to.

          "Congratulations, Harry." She smiled as she hugged the raven-haired boy too. "I wish nothing but happiness for you two."

          "Thank you, Annie. It means a lot." Harry smiled as he hugged her one more time.

          "Now, now, let's start eating breakfast before it gets cold!" Mrs. Weasley interfered as she hurried them to the table, where each member took a seat. "We'll celebrate the engagement with a dinner tomorrow."

          As Anastasia was serving food on her plate, she heard a loud cry in the distance, later, a beautiful brown owl barged into the house. The family stopped what they were doing to look at the strange creature in the house.

          "He's not a family owl." Ginny pointed, frowning. "Maybe it got confused."

          "No, owls never get addresses wrong." Anastasia said as she walked to the animal to take the letter in her hands. She widened her emerald eyes as she stared down at the envelope. "It's Draco's owl." She mumbled with hesitation.

          "What?" Hermione frowned as she leaned on to watch.

          Anastasia shakily opened the envelope in her hands and gave the owl one of the carrots from her plate before sending him to fly. She pressed her lips together as she peered inside and half-smiled at the sight. A letter was inside, waiting for her to read its contents.

"Dear Anastasia,

I'm in America right now, thinking that I could meet you here, but word spread and your teammates informed me that you turned down the offer of Seeker and decided to stay in England. How fool I was for coming here first instead of stopping you at the Burrow, believe me, it could've been easier.

While I traveled to the other continent, I had time to think back about all the decisions I've made in my life, all the things I've done, and the only thing I don't regret is loving you. Even though being with you has been a bloody rollercoaster of emotions, I would never trade the feelings you give me for another thing. Maybe our love blossomed in the wrong circumstances, but that doesn't mean I didn't feel anything for you. And I still love you, more than I've loved anyone.

The thing is, you were completely right. Mother burned the letter with the whole purpose of breaking our love, to prevent myself from spending time with people "like you", and I explained her the truth. I don't care about your past, your present, how you live or the people you're living with, the only thing I care right now is about the possibility of sharing a future with you. To have the possibility to wake up every single day of my life next to you, and kiss you as much as I want, like that night when you became mine, and I became yours. Rosie, I've been yours since before that night, but for some reason, that night, when I had you in my arms uncovered and with only love to show, I felt like the world was right again. No wars, no deaths. Just you and I, together in darkness.

Inside the envelope, you will find something very special for me that I'd like you to keep forever. Yes, it's an engagement ring, but it will have a different purpose for us. I want you to think of it as a promise ring, that I want you to wear as a sign of the love I feel for you, and I hope that you feel for me too. It's a promise for a future together, just us, without people getting in between. No other engagements, no wars and no heartbreaks.

Before I forget, I want you to know that I'm moving to London next month to pursue my career as a Healer. It's a hidden passion I've had since a long ago, and I feel like it's my opportunity to show the world my redemption. I'm afraid that while I'm in preparation, we won't be able to see each other, but keep in mind that you will always be in my mind.

Forever yours,

          Anastasia smiled as tears started to accumulate in her eyelids, she took the envelope again and peered inside once more, and felt her smile widening as she held the ring in her hand. She was scared to find the ring he gave to Astoria, but for her surprise, it was a completely different one. It had his name carved on the inside, and the felt tears starting to cascade down her cheeks as she put it on.

          "Forever yours." She repeated in a whisper.

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