xi. christmas break

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          After the rather uncomfortable moment Anastasia shared with Harry, she quickly excused herself and told him she wasn't feeling good, which wasn't necessarily a lie. She did felt sick, but not because of what she ate at the party; because of what she heard.

          Of course, like the good friend he is, Harry insisted quite a few times to take her to Madam Pomfrey, but Anastasia rejected the idea of going to the hospital wing. Instead, she told him she was simply and only tired. So they parted ways.

          She didn't go to her common room as promised, obviously. Anastasia felt herself getting desperate and scared by the second as she ran and rigorously watched no one was following her. The paranoia of someone discovering where she was heading to made her quick up her pace and appear in no time in front of the Room of Requirement.

         "Draco?" Anastasia yelled as soon as she stepped inside the dark room. "Draco!" This time, she yelled louder.

         "I'm here." His voice came out really low, but it was enough for Anastasia as she speeded to him.

          She found him sitting in the floor, head resting in the dusty cabinet and his fingers playing with the dark, luxurious wand he owned. A smile crept into his features as he looked up and admired the girl he had in front of him but his face fell at the state she was in. Anastasia looked frightened, which worried him.

         "What's wrong?" Draco stood up and left the wand somewhere in the floor. He took a few steps close to the girl. His cold hands brushed past her flushed cheek as she looked everywhere but his eyes. "Rosie." He said loudly, but it made her snap her head to him.

         "He knows, Draco." She whispered.

         "Who knows what, Rosie?" He frowned, now his hands were holding her covered arms. "You're scaring me."

         "Harry." Anastasia exhaled deeply. "I caught him hearing you and Snape talk in the corridor." Draco's thumb brushed past her cheek in a smooth way, it made her feel less stressed about the situation. The blonde boy noticed because her hands stopped shaking."

         "He would eventually find out." He simply replied, gaining a confusing glare from the girl in front of him.

         "But—" For her surprise, Draco interrupted her crashing his lips against hers. Anastasia felt her knees get weak, but instead she let herself go with the moment. "You wanted to tell me something." She whispered as soon as they broke apart, the smirk never left her lips.

         "Right." He walked away and clasped his hands together. "I found another way to kill Dumbledore." Anastasia knew the words were painful to say by the look in his face, but he smirked to hide it.

         "How?" She asked, frowning.

         "With this." He walked to her with a bottle in his pale hands, Anastasia noticed how shaky they were as their fingers brushed when she took the bottle.

         "What is this?" A questioning look took over her face as she carefully eyed the bottle. Her fingers traveled over the solid green paper which was used to wrap the object.

         "Poisoned wine." Draco slowly walked to her with his hands inside his pockets. "Father sent it to me." He clarified after Anastasia looked at him confused.

         "And how are you going to give him this?" Draco noticed she was still paranoid, that's why she was asking him so many questions.

          "I'm going to need your help with that." He pursed his lips together, hoping a no for answer. For his surprise, Anastasia stood still and without a sound, she nodded.

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