xxi. astronomy tower

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The Great Hall was awfully quiet when Anastasia walked in the next day with her small fingers fixing her emerald tie. Her eyes scanned the room in search of her friends but they were nowhere to be found, leaving her with the option of seating in the Slytherin table and put up with her house-mates idiotic conversations.

"Well, well..." Blaise said smugly as soon as the girl seated in the table. "Look who decided to finally show up."

"Leave me alone, Zabini." The brunette snapped, glaring at the boy with a frown.

"What brings you here, Rosier?" He scooted closer, causing Anastasia to look at him puzzled. "Got tired of playing hero with Potter?" The laughs of the other three caused her to close her fist under the table.

"I'm not in the mood of hearing your loathsome voice." She nonchalantly spoke, taking a green apple from the medium basket in the middle of the table. "Besides, it's none of your business."

"Oi, what happened to the old Anastasia Rosier?' The boy teased, scooting even closer to the girl. "I like this new version, though."

"I don't see why should I care about that." She sassily replied, taking a bite of the green apple.

Anastasia's emerald eyes traveled over the Great Hall with preoccupation as she searched for her friends. The room was slowly getting full by other students preparing ready for dinner, but neither Harry, Hermione nor Ron were there.

Suddenly, a hand squeezing her thigh made the girl jump. She turned her face to look at Blaise, who was sending her a dirty smirk and his hand was slowly rubbing her thigh. With all the strength she could find, Anastasia shoved the boy away from her and stood up from the table.

The emerald-eyed girl bumped into a tall, strong chest as soon as she stood up, causing her to look up and find a pair of breathtaking grey eyes that were admiring her with confusion. Time seemed to stop as she took every inch of Draco's face, he gave the impression that he didn't have a minute of sleep in the entire night.

Shaking her head, she exhaled deeply and turned around to face Blaise who was looking at her with a proud smirk and raised eyebrows. His hand slowly moving to her leg before she slapped it away.

"You are disgusting." She hissed with anger.

"What is happening?" Draco questioned, his eyes traveling between the two teenagers.

"It's none of your business." Anastasia snapped, knitting her brown eyebrows together.

"I was just joking around, mate." Blaise raised his arms in defense as the smirk slowly returned to his features. "I was only playing with Rosier, just like you've been doing with Pansy."

Draco's eyes widened as the words left his friend's lips, that moment Anastasia felt like her heart fell to the ground as the thought of Pansy and Draco having sex behind her back lingered inside her already tortured mind. She shakily turned her head up and glanced at the blonde boy she once adored.

"Pansy, uh?" She smirked, swallowing the lump from her throat. "Just when I thought you couldn't sink lower."

"Rosie—" The boy tried to speak but she shoved him aside and marched out of the hall with anger flooding in her veins.

That moment, Draco couldn't help himself and furiously glanced at his friend with steady breathes, his fist was clenched and soon enough met Blaise's jaw. The students gasped at the scene and started cheering for the upcoming fight, but the blonde boy walked out of the place to follow Anastasia.

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