xxxvii. lord voldemort

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         Anastasia didn't have a clue where she was, but she did know who was the one holding her tightly and dragging her to the Forbidden Forest. She chewed her lower lip as a vain attempt to ignore that aching pain in her forearm. Shakily, she lifted up her chin to look at the werewolf mischievously smirking but instead she caught the sight of the group of dark wizards looking at her with hate and disapproval.

          "Ah, our special guest is finally here." Voldermort hissed with a tenebrous smirk. "Miss Rosier. Nice to see you."

          "She's a filthy blood traitor!" Bellatrix exclaimed

          "Just because she's a blood traitor doesn't mean I can't say hello to her." The horrible man, if that's how you can call it, turned again to meet her gaze.

          "Annie?" Hagrid's croaked, catching the girl's attention. "What are you doing here?"

          "Hagrid!" Anastasia bellowed, trying to break Greybacl's hold on her arm. "Let me go you horrible werewolf!"

          "Now, now, that's not the way to treat your colleague."

          "He's not my colleague." The girl spoke with venom in her voice. "I hope Harry kills you! Stupid half-blood!" She turned to Voldermort, whose smile instantly disappeared at the realization of her words.

          "How dare you to talk like that to the Dark Lord, you—" Lucius yelled, taking out his wand.

          "Crucio." Voldermort whispered.

          A heartbreaking scream left Anastasia's mouth as soon as the dreadful pain took over her now weak body. Greyback laughed loudly as he let go of his grip around her neck, the girl fell to the floor with a loud thud that couldn't be heard because of her painful screams echoing in the dark forest.

          "Leave her alone. I'm here now."

          Suddenly, the agonizing pain stopped. The girl tried to breathe calmly as her body desperately tried to search for strength to look up. Her emerald eyes met with another pair of green ones, causing her to gasp weakly.

          "Harry? No! What are you doing here?" Hagrid yelled.

          "Harry Potter..." Voldermort whispered, his gaze never leaving Harry. "The boy who lived... came to die."

          A horrible sound made Anastaisa turn her head up, only to see a massive snake slithering down a hill and towards its owner. Unconsciously, the girl crawled away from the animal with the little strength she still had in her.

          "Avada Kedavra!"

          "No!" Anastasia screamed.

          Before her eyes, she watched as another important person in her eyes was being ripped away from her. Her emerald eyes stared at Harry's corpse in the mud as cold tears began to cascade down her pale cheeks. She tried to crawl closer to her friend's body, but Greyback instantly pulled her up and aggressively held his arm around her neck to stop her from running to Harry.

          Her gaze turned to Voldermort, who, with Bellatrix's vain help, started to stand up from the floor with his eyes lost in the sight in front of him. Narcissa hurriedly climbed down the small hill and walked to Harry's corpse.

          "The boy!" Bellatrix breathed out, following Voldermort's gaze. "Is he dead?"

          Anastasia couldn't bring herself to look away from the scene as she watched Narcissa kneel down in front of the boy to check if he was alive or not. The girl chewed her lower lip as she miserably stared at the corpse with the hope of Harry being alive.

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