xxxiii. 12 grimmauld place

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         It was pouring outside; the clouds had taken over the sky and the streets were practically isolated. Draco exhaled deeply as his grey eyes diverted from the massive window to the bed behind him, where Anastasia laid sleeping peacefully. His heart beat was the only sound that could comfort him as he stared at her pale face with love and preoccupation, his hand searched for hers under the cover and he sat on the edge of the king-sized bed.

          "You're safe with me, Rosie." He whispered.

          With his pale and long hand, he sweetly caressed her cheek in an attempt to make her wake up from her heavy sleep. She pressed the side of her face close to the palm of his hand and he held his breath. Suddenly, her emerald eyes flew open and blinked several times to adjust to the dim lights in the room.

          Draco pressed his lips together and swallowed with nervousness. His hand kept caressing her cheek as she admired the room she was in, until her beautiful and empty eyes landed on him. He half-smiled as he leaned closer to her and pressed a meaningful kiss in the top of her head. Anastasia shakily held his free hand and intertwined her trembling fingers with his.

          "Morning." The boy said quietly, examining every inch of her face. "You're safe now."

          "It wasn't a dream, then?" Her voice came out low but he managed to hear perfectly her words.

          "No. It wasn't." The Slytherin sighed deeply. "But Harry and the others are fine. We've been communicating for the past days."

          "The past days?" Anastasia repeated, scooting to the side to give him space. "H—How long I have been unconscious?"

          "Almost a week." Draco half-smiled, lying in the bed next to her. She instantly searched comfort in his heartbeat and rested the side of her face in his chest. "You're quite a heavy sleeper, Rosie." A ghost of a smile took over her features as she admired their interlaced fingers. "They are alright, if you are wondering. They are staying in a cottage close to the sea."

          "What about you?" She asked, catching him out of guard. "You have disobeyed your parents and—"

          "Voldemort?" He finished. "I know." A sigh left his lips as he carefully wrapped his arm around her small body. "I thought I didn't have a choice, you know?" Anastasia nodded, following his eyes to the window. "But when I saw Bellatrix torturing you... and Hermione, I thought: is this what I want to be?" Draco sighed, again. "You have no idea how much it hurt seeing you like that. I felt like a part of my heart and soul was getting ripped from me." He tightened his grip around her. Anastasia closed her eyes, and focused on the sound of his raspy voice and the raindrops hitting the window. "I made a choice. I chose you."

        Anastasia stared at her pale hands as Draco walked aimlessly around the kitchen. She anxiously chewed her lower lip as her thoughts clouded her head with different scenarios about what could have happened to Kreacher and why he was taking so long to buy them food in Diagon Alley.

          "Draco?" She said quietly, gaining his attention.

          "Yes?" He stopped pacing around to give her his full attention. "Are okay? Does it hurt?" His eyes traveled over her face. Anastasia chuckled.

          "No. I'm fine." She reassured. "I just—" The girl frowned, looking back at her hands. Draco took the closest chair and pulled it close to her. Sighing, he sat in it and held her hands to get her attention. "You said Harry instead of Potter. A few moments ago."

          The boy pressed his lips together as he intertwined his fingers with hers. His warm hand flew to her cheek as he brushed a few strands of hair away from her angelic face.

          "I know." He smiled. "We are allies now."

          "Allies?" Anastasia repeated, frowning. "How come?"

          "Because we want the same thing." Again, she frowned with confusion. Draco smiled sweetly at her. "Your well-being." A sincere smile crept into her features.

          "I love you." She finally said the words he had been waiting days to hear. He smirked and leaned on, pressing his forehead against hers.

          "I love you too, Ro—"

          "Stay away from her, Malfoy."

          They both jumped away from each other as a new voice echoed in the room. Anastasia frowned as she was being dragged away from Draco's arms and he instantly stood up from the rusty, old chair.

          "Remus!" Anastasia shrieked as she faced the man holding her shoulder.

          "Oh, god. You are fine." The man instantly wrapped the girl in a tight embrace. "I was terrified, you have no idea." He sighed. "When Arthur told me the news that you escaped from Hogwarts I was so mad. Don't ever do that again Anastasia. You hear me?"

          "Yes. I'm sorry for scaring you." She said quietly.

          Remus sighed and pressed a kiss in the top of her head. Then, his eyes flickered from her to the boy standing in front of them. He exhaled sharply and walked to him as Anastasia embraced Nymphadora and his son in a tight hug.

          "You." He said sternly. Draco flinched as he stepped closer and pressed his hand in his shoulder. "Thank you." The boy frowned. "For taking care of Anastasia. You have proved us wrong, Draco. You are not bad after all." Finally, he embraced the boy in a tight hug. Something that caught Draco out of guard, but accepted the action because it had been a long time since someone hugged him that way.

          "I told you he wasn't bad, Remus." The brunette smiled, playing with the small baby in her arms.

          "You only said it because he's your boyfriend." The man joked.

          Draco smiled. He finally felt like he belonged somewhere.

          He belonged with Anastasia.

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