xviii. confrontation

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The next day, Anastasia woke up feeling a pang on her chest and a strange feeling over her body. She glanced around the room and quickly changed into her emerald robes to start the day. In silence, she took her bag and shoved the hawthorn wood wand inside her robes and made her way out of the common room with a glimpse of determination in her green eyes.

It was a bit early but she found her friends talking in the Great Hall with a copy of The Daily Prophet in the middle of the table, Anastasia dropped her bag in the bench and took a seat next to Hermione.

"Morning." She spoke with a raspy voice.

"Good morning, Annie." The three replied almost at the same time. Anastasia reached forward for an apple and then looked at the trio with quizzically eyes.

         "What's wrong?" Her face changed drastically at the sight of their worried frowns.

"Malfoy came here a few minutes ago." Ron began, leaning closer. "He asked for you." That made Anastasia to furrow her eyebrows.

"For me?" She questioned, looking between her friends. "Why?"

"We don't know." Harry simply answered, shrugging. "What happened at the Malfoy's, Annie?" The air seemed to get stuck in her throat as her eyes traveled over her friends.

The kisses, the fireworks and everything that happened in the Malfoy manor appeared right in front of her eyes. Fire ignited in every inch of her body where Draco's fingers touched her skin.

"Nothing." She said after a small pause, her eyes meeting with Harry's. "He probably wanted to ask me the common room password." She lied, but it sounded convincing enough for the trio, so they dropped the topic.

It was a long conversation before they realized it was time to head to their classes, which in their case was Potions with Slughorn. The man greeted everyone with a wide smile and started to explain about a potion they would be working that same day. Draco's eyes never left Anastasia as she silently prepared her potion and looked between her cauldron to her book, she never glanced up to meet his haze, even though she felt it all over her.

For Anastasia, it left like the day lasted an eternity. When she walked out of her last class of the day, a loud and relieved sigh left her lips. In silence she walked to the library where she knew she would spend all the day until it was time for dinner in the Great Hall.

In silence, she walked to the back of the library and started to work on an essay that McGonagall asked them to do. She knew she had plenty of time to do it, but her mind needed a distraction with everything that was going on and the essay seemed like the perfect excuse of it.

"Hello." She glanced up at the sound of a timid yet sweet voice. A smile crept into Anastasia's features when she saw Luna standing before her with a half-smile.

"Hello, Luna." The emerald-eyed girl spoke quietly. "Take a seat." With her quill, she pointed at the chair across her in the long table. The blonde girl took a seat in it and placed her books in the table.

"You look different, Annie." The girl pointed, pursing her lips in a sweet smile. "You must be tired with having Draco following you everywhere."

"Excuse me?" Anastasia looked up from her parchment to the girl.

"I saw him looking at you from the shelves over there." Luna pointed at the shelves in the very back on the room. Where no one was there now, but the blonde girl caught the Slytherin admiring at the brunette. "He likes you." She added.

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