xxiii. the wedding

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         An atrocious nightmare was the reason Anastasia woke up exalted and breathing heavily. Her emerald-eyes traveled over the now empty room she shared with Hermione and Ginny, none of them were nowhere to be found. She glanced down to inspect her wounded forearm, which was now bandaged with a soft, white material that made the pain less horrible.

         The chatter of the plates in the first floor made her realize that it was the day of the awaited wedding of Bill. Her eyes scanned the room in search of her trunk to pick a simple, presentable dress for the occasion, but they fell on a beautiful dark dress resting in the armchair in a corner.

         Her warm feet made contact with the almost icy floor, but she couldn't care as her fingertips touched the fabric of the beautiful dress. A smile crept into her features as she held it close to her body and twirled around, it made her feel happy. She was feeling happy.

         With quick movements, she carefully tried the dress in her tiny body. Her smile widened at the sight of herself in the full-length mirror in the door. She did felt like a princess, more than the dress Draco's mother bought her for the Christmas Ball. Anastasia quickly got ready for the incredibly event and made sure to wrap the present she got for them in a quick trip to Diagon Alley.

        "Annie, are you awake?" Hermione's voice made her jump.

        "Yes, I'm coming!" The brunette yelled and walked out of the room with a smile in her delicate features.

         Anastasia walked down the large staircase and jumped the last to steps with a playful smirk in her features. The small box was still in her small hands when her eyes caught the sight of Harry and Ginny in the kitchen, in a very... compromising position.

        "Morning..." Her head snapped to George smirking at their direction, his right hand wrapped around a mug full of coffee.

        "Hello, George." The emerald-eyed girl walked to him, resting her hands in the sink next to him. "How are you feeling?" She questioned, looking at his ear.

        "I'm feeling quite muffled." The girl chuckled, shaking her head. "What's in there?"

        "Oh, this?" Anastia looked down at the beautifully wrapped box. "It's a present. For Fleur and Bill."

        "Well, I should get married soon if the lovey-dovey aura makes you generous." Anastasia laughed again, causing the tall, ginger boy to smirk.

        "Annie!" Hermione jumped in with her light brown hair styled in a messy ponytail and a beautiful red dress over her body. "I need your help!" She squeaked.

        "I'm coming, I'm coming." The girl smiled and walked to the frantic Gryffindor, not before waving at the smirking Weasley behind her.

The small girl followed Hermione through the house with quick steps and trying to catch up with her frantic and nervous pacing. Finally, the girl made a halt stop and turned to face Anastasia with a frown.

"What's wrong, 'Mione?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Please help me." Anastasia's emerald eyes fell in her light brown locks, suppressing a laugh, the girl walked to Hermione. "I don't know what to do with this mess."

"Sit." Anastasia softly ordered and for her surprise, her friend obeyed.

The Slytherin began to brush Hermione's bright hair with her eyes lost in nothing. She was too focused on her task that after a while, that her friend had to remind her about being too harsh with her hair. Anastasia muttered a quick apology as she started to style her friend's hair.

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