xxxi. xenophilius lovegood

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Anastasia hugged herself as she followed the trio around the dark forest in search of the Lovegood's household. Her emerald eyes scanned the area with alert and her hand was wrapped around her hawthorn wood wand, she could feel her heartbeat pounding in her chest with every step she took.

Her thoughts wandered back to the platinum blond boy who left her breathless and made her blush. She regretted leaving him, to simply turn her back at him like he was nothing but a ghost, and it broke her heart to think of him facing his demons without her being there to hold him.

And she found herself remembering all those amazing times they shared before everything changed, when they were happy children playing without a care of what would happen in the future. A smile crept into her pale features as the memory of his smile took over her mind, how they would play Quidditch and read books about the sport, or how he happy he was when they were both sorted in Slytherin. Everything about Draco Malfoy was a masterpiece, but Anastasia never cared to pay attention to him until the summer before fourth year.

Draco and Anastasia had managed to spend a few days of the summer in Diagon Alley, where they bought their new books and eat everything they could from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, and how they would spend hours in Quality Quidditch Supplies. She remembered how excited and happy he seemed about everything that was happening, the Quidditch World Cup and babbling about how incredible it would be to be a professional Quidditch player. That was the moment Anastasia knew she had feelings for the Slytherin Prince.

"Annie?" Her thoughts were interrupted when Ron called for her, she turned her face to look at him with a frown. "How are you?" He pointed, walking next to her with his hands shoved inside the pockets of his jacket.

     "Good." The Slytherin replied, carefully walking out of the woods and following Harry and Hermione. "I'm good. And you? 'Mione told me you disappeared for a few days."

     "I–Yes." He nodded shortly, pursing his pale lips together. Anastasia frowned.

       "She also mentioned you told Harry such horrible things. Is that true?" Her eyes searched for his.

       "I regret it." The ginger said quietly, looking down at the fallen leaves they were stepping on. She exhaled sharply.

         Anastasia decided to stay silent the rest of the journey, or at least until they reached Luna's house. Her feet started to hurt and sleep started to take over her, but she didn't stop as they spotted a strange looking house far from them.

        "Luna?" Ron asked, breaking the silence between the quartet. Harry looked up to admired the house and exhaled deeply.

         "Luna." He and Hermione said, eyes glued the sight in front of them.

          "So." The man began, staring at the quartet with a mixture of nervousness and fear. "What brings you here, Mr. Potter?"

          "Well, sir, it's about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding. A symbol..." The boy trailed off, glancing back at his friends and then back at the shaking man.

          "You mean this?" He reaches into his clothes and takes a necklace to show them the symbol. The teenagers looked at each other before meeting his gaze again.

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