xxix. secret place

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         Anastasia tried to not feel worried about Draco, but she couldn't help it. It was one of those sleepless nights when she would be rolling around bed and wandering inside the room, despite the cold chills brushing past her bare arms, she kept walking with the window opened.

          The December weather had taken over Hogwarts as the students walked around with their respective house scarves and gloves, the girl wasn't the exception. Regardless of the cold weather around the castle, she wasn't a big fan of wearing winter sleep clothes, and she had stopped caring about someone seeing her mark. Everyone in the Slytherin common room knew about what she used to be, anyway.

          The next morning, she walked into Transfiguration class with her eyes lost in nothing and without the spark they used to have before everything became so chaotic in the boarding school. McGonagall was the first to notice the drastic change the girl was experimenting, and she tried several times to talk to her, but Anastasia always shrugged it off and walked away.

          "Miss Rosier," The elderly woman called for her when the class finished. "Can I have a word?"

          "Of course, professor." The girl nodded and turned to Neville with a reassuring smile. "I'll meet you in the library."

          Neville gulped but left the room anyway. Anastasia then turned to face the woman with a small smile in her features and arms behind her back, it was unusual for McGonagall to request a talk from her. Every time it happened was because she had been fighting with Malfoy in the class or yelling at her housemates. And she didn't do any of those things.

          "Am I in trouble?" She hesitantly questioned, her eyebrows were knitted together as she looked up.

          "Oh, no. You are not in trouble, Miss Rosier." MgGonagall signaled her to walk along with her through the empty halls. "I just want to speak to you."

          "About what, professor?" The Slytherin frowned, trailing next to the woman.

          "I only want to thank you, about everything you and Longbottom have done with the younger students." Anastasia then understood about what she was talking about. "Not everyone has the courage to put up with those type of punishments. I've heard professors Alecto and Amycus are quite ruthless."

          "Well, I think the credit goes to Neville, professor." The brunette muttered, scratching her forearm. "He is the brave one between us."

          "That doesn't mean I can't congratulate you too, Miss Rosier." McGonagall pointed. "I knew your mother. She was a Gryffindor when she attended Hogwarts, very brave but cunning at the same time. The Sorting Hat spent ten minutes deciding where to put her in." Anastasia nodded. "Just like you."

          "Me?" She pointed at herself.

          "You are very much like your mother, Miss Rosier. A true Gryffindor but Slytherin at the same time." The professor explained calmly. "I thought you were following the wrong path when you started friending Malfoy and his friends." Anastasia nodded, carefully listening to the woman speak. "But you've demonstrated that it's not really dangerous to be a little bit of both."

          "Thank you, professor." The brunette smiled.       

          "Longbottom told me about the special gift you've acquired during the term. Without help, I might add. It's quite impressive." Anastasia turned around to hide her flushed cheeks. She wasn't used to be complimented by a professor, especially McGonagall.

          "Can I tell you a secret, professor?" Anastasia whispered, looking from left to right to check no one could hear their conversation. "I think I know where Harry and the others are. I'm planning to join them."

          "Oh, that's wonderful!" The woman sighed relieved. "You do that, yes. They will need help and I'm sure they need you."

          "But I need to make some arrangements here before leaving." McGonagall turned to look at her with a frown and a confusing glare under her glasses. "I need to leave my friends protected from the dark wizards around the school. I'm afraid the common rooms aren't safe anymore."

          "You can use the Room of Requirement." She proposed nonchalantly. "It's big enough for everyone."

          "Would that be enough?" Anastasia smiled hopefully, the professor nodded. "Then I'll go tell them."

          The brunette smiled and quickly walked away from the professor, not before thanking them for everything she told her and letting her use the room for their secret place to hide from the Death-Eaters, and professor Snape.

          Anastasia already knew the password for the Gryffindor common room and the Fat Lady had grown used to her constantly visiting the tower. Mainly because she would take Neville there after their shared detentions with the Carrows.

         She barged inside the silent room where she saw her friends quietly chatting and doing their respective homework. A smile crept into her features as they stopped what they were doing to look at her.

          "I found a secret place where we can hide." She happily said, gaining the attention from other students in the back.

          "Where?" Dean Thomas asked, tilting his head to the side with confusion.

          "Those bloody Death-Eaters are everywhere! I'm sure they know every corner of the castle!" Seamus pointed.

          "At least not the Room of Requirement." Anastasia smirked. The Gryffindor common room erupted in cheers and laughter as soon as the girl delivered the news.

          Everyone began packing their trunks and making sure no one was leaving anything. Ginny hugged the brunette with strength and thanked her for being such a good friend despite their house rivalry.

          The plan was easy, actually. They would meet the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs in the seventh floor after curfew and using silencing charms to keep the Death-Eaters away. Neville guided the search to the room and almost everyone followed him with quiet and short steps. Anastasia smiled as she watched everyone happily running away from the dark wizards and each one entering the hidden door to the room.

          She was the last one to step inside, struggling with her trunk, she tried to close the door. A gasp left her plump lips when her eyes locked with a pair of pained, grey eyes looking at from the other side of the hall. Sighing shakily, she closed the door and tried to stop the tears from leaving her eyes.

           She had chosen a side, and Draco wasn't part of it.

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