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The best part of a finished story is revealing the hidden secrets and headcanons!!



・Anastasia always wanted to be Gryffindor like her mother, but she made a big scene when the Sorting Hat placed her in Slytherin

・Draco once accidentally knocked Anastasia out of her broom during Quidditch practice 

・When they were little, Anastasia and Draco liked to play the healer and the patient to practice magic, Draco obviously always was the healer

・Harry had a tiny crush on Anastasia when they were in third grade

・The first friend Anastasia made in Hogwarts was Luna Lovegood

・The day Hermione punched Draco, Anastasia continuously made fun of him until he put a silencing charm on her that lasted 3 days

・ Hermione and Ron made Anastasia Rose's godmother 

・The nickname Rosie came up when Draco was over Anastasia's house and he caught her playing tea with the house elves, they always called her Rosie. After that, he used the nickname to make fun of her.

・Anastasia was Draco's first kiss, however, Blaise was Anastasia's.

・Draco was always jealous of Blaise because he was the only Slytherin that was allowed to hang out with Anastasia because his family didn't have any connection with Death-Eaters.

・Anastasia and Neville continued to be great friends, he never misses her Quidditch games.

・Even after Scorpius was born, Anastasia didn't quit her career as a Quidditch player.

・Draco and Astoria never had romantic feelings for each other, they were only good friends.

・Narcissa never forgave Lucius for hurting their son, even after he managed to get out of Azkaban again, she declared that she didn't want to see him ever again.

・Since Draco was an only child and a big mummy's boy, it was normal that Narcissa felt threatened by Anastasia's presence in his life. In other words, she was jealous.

・People still have trust issues when it comes to Draco and Anastasia because of their past

・Teddy always looks and takes care of Scorpius when someone is being mean to him and vice versa 

・Draco and Anastasia tried for a girl but during a match Anastasia got knocked out of her broom and lost the baby

・Days after Scorpius was born, Narcissa visited Draco and Anastasia with a bunch of gifts for Teddy and Scorpius as a way of apologizing for everything that happened

・Despite not being blood related, Narcissa accepted Teddy as her grandson

・ Ginny and Anastasia sometimes have friendly matches of Quidditch outside the Burrow and they slowly became a tradition in the family

・ After a lot of trying, Anastasia finally got pregnant and was expecting a girl

 ・Luna is the official babysitter of Teddy and Scorpius, she even stays to take care of them when Draco and Anastasia are around

・Both, Draco and Anastasia, used to put hiding charms on their forearms whenever the kids were around but after a while they stopped doing it when they noticed Teddy and Scorpius didn't really mind 

・Whenever the family gets together, they have to do it in the Burrow, that way the children have enough space to play

・Draco and Anastasia kept a list of possible names for their daughter, Teddy and Scorpius once found it and added some names of their own like "Butterbear Dragon" or "Cranberry Lemon" 

・In 2008, Draco and Anastasia welcomed their daughter

・They named her Ginevra Rose 


・I've had this plot planned since FOREVER. I always imagined what would've happened if Draco had someone to talk to during the events of the HBP so that's how Numb was born

・I kind of thought of killing Anastasia but honestly? We don't need this much pain in our lives, right?

・A side plot was for Anastasia to be pregnant during the war 

・I always planned Anastasia to betray the Death-Eaters and side with Harry because why would someone want to hurt that smol baby Harry James Potter

・The Remus and Tonks being like Anastasia's family trope didn't come up to me until I started thinking about what would happen to Teddy, so there's that

・I really didn't want to kill Remus and Tonks but events needed to go that way if I wanted Anastasia and Draco to rise Teddy

・The reason I made Anastasia so indecisive and annoying (sometimes lol even I agree with y'all) it's because once my writing teacher gave me advice to make some scenes where our characters are unlikable to show the readers that they're a human being and just because they're fiction it doesn't mean they are perfect! So they can look real to us. I say this because a lot of people pointed it out and even if it annoyed me to write her like that, I wanted to follow my teacher's advice for once!


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