xv. rosier manor

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Anastasia woke up around Draco's arms, but with an empty heart. Exhaling and inhaling, she tried to keep calm even though inside her mind there was a hurricane that was waiting to be free. Her eyes were lost in the sunset that she barely felt the blonde boy slowly walking up and stretching.
          "Good morning." He smiled, giving her a quick kiss.

          "Good morning." She looked down at him, trying to hide the fear and nervousness of her heart.

          Without saying a word, she jumped out of the bed and walked directly to the bathroom. Completely ignoring Draco's confusing eyes following her in the way, her mind was full of different thoughts, scenarios and consequences that she barely had space to think about other stuff.

          In a way, Draco understood her. He tried to put himself in her shoes but he was aware that she needed space and he was okay with giving it her. In silence, he walked to the sealed door and rested his arm in it, bowing his head down and thinking twice about his words before saying them.

          "I'd be waiting for you downstairs." He said, sighing. "It's okay if you don't feel ready."

          At that, the door opened widely and she exited the bathroom with her hands over her hips and eyes lost in nothing. She paced around the room muttering things to herself.

          "I'm ready. I can do it." It was one of the phrases he could catch, but he was too busy admiring her to do or say something.

          "Calm down." He gently took her arms with a half-smile. "You'll be okay. I promise." The boy kissed her softly before leaving the room with pursed lips.

          Meanwhile, Anastasia was too focused in finding the perfect set of clothes, with long sleeves, to wear for the occasion. The sick feeling of nervousness tingled around her stomach making her stop to take a breath every now and then. The full-length mirror seemed not enough to her, of for the girl it felt like he was making fun of her with a distorted reflection. The emerald-eyed girl came to the conclusion that she was suffering a nervous breakdown.

          Her eyes traveled over the dark set of clothes in the reflection, she looked away quickly before her eyes could find inexistent flaws and confidently took her wand from the bed. As her hand wrapped around the wooden material, she felt unfamiliar with the feeling of always carrying her wand around.

          "Rosie, my parents just left." Draco peered inside the dormitory where she found Anastasia, yet again, pacing around the room with her wand in her hands. "It's okay to have second-thoughts." He reassured, walking inside with a serious look in his grey eyes.

          "I'm not having second-thoughts." She snapped, which surprised her. "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." Her arms wrapped around herself. "And scared." She added soon after.

          "Don't be. I'll be there with you every minute." He stepped close to the girl and left a gently kiss in her forehead. "Breakfast is ready." The boy commented, zoning her out of her thoughts.

          "I'm not hungry." Anastasia quietly replied, chewing her lower lip in between her teeth.

          "But I am." Draco said, which for his surprise caused her to chuckle lightly. "Come on." He wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her through the manor.

          Anastasia walked in silence as Draco confidently paced around the manor like he owned the place, which technically he did, and looked down at her every now and then. The house elves were kind enough to prepare a coffee for her nerves, even the little creatures noticed the state she was in.

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