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april, 2002

As soon as the sun set, Anastasia was already up and ready to start the day. Her calm footsteps made a faint echo in the hallway as she walked barefoot towards the kitchen and silently prepared tea for her and Draco, who continued to snore like a bear inside their bedroom. She smiled as she poured the sugar in the porcelain cups and carefully held them to not burn herself.

With both hands busy, she walked back to the room in silence and placed the cups on her nightstand, her emerald eyes admired her husband's back and his snores forced her to laugh quietly. She almost didn't wake him up, seeing him so peaceful and relaxed made her heart melt.

"Good morning." She cooed, laying on the bed next to him. Draco stirred. She smiled lovingly as she stroked his cheek gently. "Hey."

Slowly, he opened his eyes. "Hello." His hand hovered hers and brought it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. "It really is a good morning." Both smiled.

"I brought you tea, I don't want you to get all grumpy again."

"I'm never grumpy."

"Draco, you literally start grunting when you don't have time for tea in the morning."

"That's because your tea is great." He grabbed the cup being handed to him. "Thanks, love."

The brunette stood up and tied her silk dressing gown around her body. "Hurry up. We have tons of things to do this morning."

"Such as?" The young man frowned, leaving the cup on the nightstand.

"It's Teddy's birthday, remember?" Realization took over his features as he jumped out of the bed.

"Merlin's pants! How could I forget? I've been so focused on⏤"

"Sh!" Anastasia hurriedly placed her hand over his mouth. "Don't speak that loud! You're going to wake him up."

"Right." He nodded, a sly smile took over his features as he loosely wrapped his arms around her. "We also don't want to ruin the surprise, right?"

Her smile widened, and an urge to kiss his lips made her pull him close to her and give him a quick but meaningful peck on the lips. Draco's smile widened as well as he embraced his wife on a hug. She pressed her cheek on his chest and followed his movements as both swayed on the spot in silence and enjoying each other's touch. Anastasia closed her eyes and exhaled with relief as soon as she heard his heartbeat calming her down like it always did.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you, too." He broke the hug and smiled fondly. "And this little angel right here." His hand traveled to her stomach.

Anastasia smiled and kissed him again before exiting the room to walk towards the kitchen. Draco followed after a few moments after and rested his body against the door frame. His grey eyes admiring the young woman preparing the candles in a small cupcake. The small bump was beginning to show and it was extremely hard for both to hide it anymore. They had been trying for months, and one day she magically got pregnant. It almost seemed like a miracle.

He couldn't believe she was married to him, that they were finally living the happy life they deserved. No more pain, no more barriers between them. They could finally share a beautiful life together, raising Teddy and the future baby coming. How could their lives get better than this? Was it even possible? Draco found hard to believe it at times, that he was that fortunate to have his own little family.

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