xvii. bellatrix lestrange

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         Anastasia was having the time of her life at The Burrow. The twins proposed themselves to make the girl have the best Christmas and laugh until her stomach would hurt. It worked, and everyone was amazed at how loud and contagious her laugh was.

          Professor Lupin and his wife arrived at noon with presents and a small pie, he was surprised to find the girl in the house but greeted her anyway. She felt like her heart would explode of happiness and the thought of Draco was left far behind her mind, unreachable.

          "I hope you're having a great time, darling." Mrs. Weasley spoke as she handed a plate with cake to the brunette.

          "I am, Mrs. Weasley. Everything is perfect." Anastasia nodded rigorously, taking the plate in her hands. "Thanks for everything." She whispered soon after, looking down at the cozy sweater.

          "Oh, it's nothing, dear." The woman smiled, gently patting the girl's shoulder. "It's our pleasure to have you here." Before joining her children in the living room, the woman placed a soft kiss in Anastasia's head.

          The emerald-eyed girl stood still in the kitchen with a goofy smile in her lips. Looking at the family chat and talk happily, it brought joy to her being accepted to a family as amazing as the Weasley's.

          "Thank you, Anastasia." She turned around when a voice echoed the kitchen. Her eyes met with Remus Lupin's and a small smile appeared in his features. "For not killing me."

          "The thought of killing you never crossed my mind, Professor." Anastaisa muttered, leaving the empty plate in the sink.

          "And I'm thankful for that." He nodded, leaning in the table. "You are a very, very kind girl. The brightest I know, I may add. You shouldn't waste your intelligence in something as stupid as the Dark Arts."

          "And I'm not planning on it." She spoke clearly, looking at the man in front of her. He only smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

          With the thought of going to sleep, Anastasia made her way to the stairs and climbed them in silence. Her eyes traveled over her surroundings with a smile but stopped abruptly when her eyes caught the sight of Ginny and Harry talking, a smirk formed into her lips as she saw the ginger leaning closer to the boy.

          "Merry Christmas, Harry." The girl said quietly.

          "Merry Christmas." Harry replied almost immediately, causing Anastasia to snort.

          "Oh, God." She whispered, eyes wide. "Sorry to interrupt." The brunette quickly made her way to the next set of stairs before something in the window caught her eyes.

          The trio turned to look at the window with quizzically eyes and furrowed eyebrows. Soon, a big circle of fire was around the house, illuminating it more than the moon above them. Anastasia gasped and took her wand from her boot, so did Harry as the pair ran down the stairs with determined eyes.

          The teenagers made their way through the group of adults as they screamed their names. Both were blinded by revenge and courage of the death of their loved ones as they quickly jumped between the fire and disappeared from the adult's sight.

          "Kids! Come back!" Arthur Weasley yelled. "Harry! Anastasia!" He yelled but soon enough was interrupted by his own daughter running into the flames. "Ginny!" This time, he followed right after the girl.

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