xxxii. the traitor

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        Anastasia silently walked through the dark corridor in front of the Malfoy Manor as she chewed her lower lip to ease the bone wrenching pain she was feeling in the moment. Her emerald eyes scanned the dark place as a snatcher dragged her to the big door in front, where Bellatrix waited for them with the smug expression in her features.

          The mad woman smiled mischievously as the snatcher removed the hair from Harry's forehead and showed her the scar, the woman's dark eyes connected with the boy's and then she looked back at the other three teenagers admiring the scene with fear.

          "Get Draco." She hissed, smiling.

          Both, Ron and Hermione, turned their heads to look at Anastasia, who swallowed deeply and whimpered as the snatcher held her forearm and pulled her inside the manor.

          "Does it hurt, lovely?" The snatcher whispered in her ear and the brunette closed her eyes with fear.

          "Leave her alone." Ron snapped as they walked into the dark manor.

          The snatcher chuckled as he dragged Anastasia to the common room of the manor and she chewed her lip to stop the pain, but the grip he had on her forearm was hurting her even more.

          When Anastasia looked up, the first thing she saw was a pair of grey eyes looking at her with anger and preoccupation. She felt her own eyes getting full of tears as she watched Draco walking into the common room and looking at her and the other three teenagers.

          "Rosie—" He tried to walk to her, but Lucius had stopped him from taking another step.

          "Don't, Draco." The man sneered, looking between the girl and his own son.

          The girl looked away as Lucius dragged his son closer to Harry, who was kneeling down and staring at the floor with steady breaths. The platinum-blond boy turned his face to look at his father and then at Harry.


          "I can't be sure." Draco muttered.

          "Look closely, son." The man insisted. "If we are the ones who hand Potter to the Dark Lord, everything would be forgiven." The boy nodded shakily, his eyes traveled from his father to Anastasia, who was clutching her forearm close to her chest.

          "Now we won't be forgetting who really caught him. I hope, Mr. Malfoy?" One of the snatchers said, making Lucius look away from his son.

          "Don't dare to talk to me like that in my own house!" He yelled, making Draco flinch.

          "Lucius!" Narcissa scolded him.

          "Don't be shy, come closer!" Bellatrix took his hand and pulled him close to Harry. "If this isn't who you think it is, Draco and we will call Him... He'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure!"

          Draco exhaled deeply and kneeled in front of the boy, who looked at him with anger. The platinum-blond boy pursed his lips together and turned his head back at Harry.

          "What happened to his face?" He asked.

          "Yeah!" Bellatrix repeated. "What is wrong with his face?" She turned her head to look at the snatcher.

          "We captured him like that." One of them idiotically explained. "Something he captured in the forest, I reckon."

          "That happens during a stinging jinx." The woman acknowledged. "Was it you dear?" She pointed her wand at Hermione and Anastasia looked down to hide her face from the woman. "Give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was." Hermione's face fell. "Ah, caught you."

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