xxvii. wandless magic

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          Silently, Anastasia strode into the library with determination in her eyes. She walked through the rows of shelves in search of the book she had been reading for quite a long time. Her hands loosened her tie as her eyes scanned the shelve, until she found it.

The brilliant idea of preparing herself for the upcoming war lingered inside her head since the last time she saw Draco, he mentioned that she needed more preparation to keep herself safe from the dark magic. That's what she was doing, practicing for the war.

Christmas was almost around the corner and she was almost finishing the map. She was desperate to know where her friends were, they weren't answering her letters and the most she tried to force herself to not get too worried, she managed to feel the hole in her chest.

Draco visiting her wasn't helping either. Every time he appeared in her room, he seemed paler and paler, it worried her. Whenever she questioned him about what was happening in the manor he would simply shrug and change the topic like it wasn't important. But it was, for her. Anastasia couldn't help to think about what he was going through with his family.

"Hey, Annie." Neville interrupted her thoughts from over-thinking. "Did I scare you? I'm sorry." He worriedly asked, backing away.

"No, it's alright." Anastasia chuckled and signaled the chair in the opposite side of her. "I was just reading."

"But we don't have an exam coming up." He scratched his temple, frowning.

"No, silly." She smiled playfully at him. "I'm preparing myself. For the war." Anastasia shortly explained, her eyes looking back at the old book in her hands.

"I see." The boy nodded, glancing at the book. "Wait—Wandless magic? Annie that's almost impossible to accomplish!" He exclaimed, causing Madam Pince to send them death glares.

"I've been practicing all week, Nev." The Slytherin quietly said. "I'm slowly getting to it." Her head snapped up to meet his confused gaze. "Do you want to see what I've achieved so far?" She smirked.

"Alright, go ahead." He crossed his arms over his chest with a smile in his features.

Anastasia sent him a smug smirk and placed her wand in front of the boy, to let him know she wasn't cheating. Neville watched as she exhaled deeply and whispered a levitation charm under her breath, her finger was pointing at the object her eyes were focused on. All of sudden, the large book began to levitate in the air and flew across the room. The Gryffindor gasped at the sight.

"Like I said, it's hard but not impossible." The brunette smirked and placed the book down.

"Merlin's beard." Neville mumbled under his breath with a amazed expression in his chestnut eyes. "Annie, you—Oh my." The brunette smiled.

"I can teach you, if you want." She suggested and the boy nodded rigorously. "But first I need to finish the map."

"How's is the map doing?" Neville questioned, changing the topic.

"It's almost finished." Anastasia beamed, closing the books and resting her arms over the wooden table.

"When do you think it's going to be ready?" The boy asked, frowning.

"Probably after the holidays. I need to make some improvements." The Slytherin shortly said. "Honestly I've been stuck since the last time I worked on it." The girl explained. "I'm slowly turning into the Carrow's favorite student." She sarcastically said, causing the boy to chuckle.

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