xlii. the truth

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Every day seemed like a challenge for Anastasia, waking up got more difficult as the days passed by and without having the constant need of taking care of Teddy, she felt like the negative thoughts we slowly making their way back to her head. She didn't have anything to distract herself with, it was only her thoughts taunting her every minute of the day.

The only thing she could notice was that Draco never showed up to the shop again, and every time Mrs. Weasley invited him and Astoria for dinner, he'd decline the offer with kind words. And the girl understood why. He was still mad at her for blaming Narcissa and Lucius, but she knew the truth and if he wasn't willing to believe her then it was time to move on.

The point was that Draco didn't know what to think of the accusations she made of his parents, he knew they were capable of doing such things, but after the war they showed an incredible change of behavior towards him that it seemed almost impossible for them to try and take away his happiness from him. The thought seemed almost silly.

That morning, Draco decided to make some arrangements for the wedding invitations his parents were urging him to send out as soon as possible, which seemed stupid knowing that the wedding wasn't until December. He suspected they were excited because their only son was tying the knot with a girl that is, not to brag, very beautiful and from a wealthy family.

He walked through the busy streets of Diagon Alley with the envelope in his shaky hands and a noticeable hesitation with every step he took. Did he really want to send out those invitations? If he did, the wedding would be official and there would be no way to get away of it.

"Hey, Draco!" He shook his head rigorously as he turned his head to where the voice came from. Ron and Hermione. "Nice meeting you here. Where are you heading to?"

"To Eeylops Owl Emporium, Mother insisted on buying a new owl to send out the invitations for the wedding." The boy rolled his eyes, gaining a laugh from the couple. "What about you?"

"We are on a date, although Annie came with us—" Ron began but trailed off as soon as he realized Draco wasn't in the mood to talk about her, and Anastasia was, again, nowhere to be seen. "Well, she was." Hermione half-smiled.

"Yes, I'm afraid that we should go." Hermione interfered, tugging Ron's sleeve. "Have a nice day." She said to Draco before walking around him to walk opposite ways.

Draco sighed. It seemed like no matter how hard he tried to get away from her, she always managed to come back to him. Although, he had to admit she looked gorgeous and very grown up, it was a change he saw through the months from the Daily Prophet pages, but seeing it in front of his eyes made his heartbeat quicken. Stop thinking about her, he thought.

Shaking his head to erase those thoughts from his head, the heir of the Malfoy fortune made his way through Diagon Alley in search of the shop. Of course, he had to stop by Quality Quidditch Supplies because no matter how old he was, he would always find himself entering the shop with the same excitement he had when he was 11 years old. The entire shop smelled like coffee and fresh wood, it brought a smile to his features.

"Hello, I was looking for a Broomstick Servicing Kit." He froze at the sound of the quiet voice he knew too well. For some reason, Draco found himself hiding between the shelves, eavesdropping the conversation he knew he shouldn't be listening. "It's kind of urgent."

"Isn't this Anastasia Rosier..." The cashier said with a rather cheery tone, excited almost. "It's been a while, isn't it? The last time you came here you were 16! Now look at you! Winning Cups here and there." The corner of his lip turned upward in a half-smile. "And yes, I must have a Servicing Kit somewhere."

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