xxvi. detention

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         It was past noon when Neville found Anastasia in the library. He reminded her about the horrible detention they had to face in Carrow's office and then they parted to the other side of the castle.

          The pair walked in silence through the almost empty and dark corridors, the brunette missed the old days when the school was happy and students laughed and played everywhere. Hogwarts had changed.

          "I see you came." They both stopped in their tracks at the sound of the evil voice behind them. "Quite late, I might add." She looked down at her pocket watch.

          "Your office is very far, Professor." The Gryffindor interfered, frowning.

          "Silence." The woman snapped and shoved the pair into the dim office. Not even the moon could shine inside, the candles poorly illuminated the place. "Sit there, both of you." She demanded, making the brunette to flinch.

          Anastasia groaned under her breath when the pain in her forearm began bothering her, again. The evil woman seemed to notice because she cautiously strode to face her.

          "How are you feeling, Rosier?" Her tone was full of mischief, and Anastasia rolled her eyes with annoyance. "Don't be shy. There is something that must be bothering you." Her eyes glanced at the girl's forearm, clutched in her chest.

          "I don't see how that is relevant with detention, professor." Anastasia grumbled, frowning at the woman.

          "I see," She smirked and pointed at the two quills in front of the pair, "Longbottom, you will write I must not tell lies, 100 times. Can you do that?" Neville nodded. The woman then turned to face the fuming Slytherin. "You will write the same, but 200 times." She smirked.

          Anastasia and Neville turned to look at each other with a frown. They heard about this type of detentions, and Anastasia had suffered it before when she was in fifth year and Umbridge caught her lying about where she was going. When she was in the Dumbledore Army.

          As soon as the tint made contact with the parchment, the brunette felt the sickening pain taking over her right hand and mixing with the burning in her forearm. She wanted to yell at the woman and cry everything she had bottled up, but she somehow managed to keep still. Neville's groans made her snap her head at his direction, she sent him a reassuring smile and ordered him to stop doing it.

          Making sure the Death-Eater wasn't paying attention. Anastasia took Neville's quill and began scribbling the sentences with quick movements. She knew Neville didn't deserve it, so she made sure to write the sentences left to make the one hundred.

          "Write the last one." The girl whispered and continued writing in her own parchment with her own quill.

          Neville smiled at her and quickly wrote down the sentence once more. In that exact moment, the evil woman turned to face him and the smirk fell from her features when she noticed that the Gryffindor had finished his task.

          "You can leave, Longbottom." She growled, clearly annoyed he finished that early.

          The Gryffindor stood there, sharing glazes with Anastasia still seated in the chair and arms rested over the table. She nodded and he hesitantly left the office with a pounding heart and regretting to leave his friend alone with the Death-Eater.

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