x. slug club

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« SLUG CLUB »    

            Anastasia and Hermione had been studying for quite a few hours when Harry barged inside the library with the potions book in his right hand. He well knew the two girls were there together since the moment they heard Slughorn talk about an upcoming exam they were willing to get ready for.

          "There you are." He stumbled to the table the two smart girls were seating in. Hermione looked up from her book while Anastasia scribbled something with her quill.

          "We told you we were going to be studying." Hermione pointed, closing the book in her pale hands.

          "Studying?" Harry questioned, a mix of confusion and surprise taking over his features. "Are we supposed to be studying?"

          "No, silly." Anastasia's attention was now in the panicked boy. "'Mione and I were just studying for the upcoming exam for potions class. Slughorn commented about it in today's lesson." Her eyebrows furrowed, looking at the boy. "Didn't you listen?"

          "I think I didn't." Harry simply shook his head and the girls exhaled deeply at the same time.

          "Did you find anything about the Half-Blood Prince, Harry?" Hermione asked, directly looking at her friend.

          "No." He simply replied, looking between the two girls. "With Ron bugging me about Lavender I can't really focus on anything besides them snogging in the wrong places." Anastasia chuckled, but Hermione sent her a look that made the small brunette to instantly stay quiet.

          "Anyway, I think you should give the book back." Anastasia interfered the moment she felt the uncomfortable silence.

           Hermione stood up from her warm chair and so did Anastasia. The pair quickly gathered the books they used and walked away to start putting them in their rightful place. Harry following them close behind, of course.

          "He's in perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes." Hermione sternly said, walking around the shelves. Anastasia carefully listened to her as Harry and her shared confused glances. "I really couldn't care less."

           The pair of teenagers looked at each other and shrugged at the sudden outburst from Hermione. After years of friendship, they should have already been used to it, but it still was as fascinating as the first day.

          "Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together?" Because of her, a few students had turned to look at the trio walking around the shelves. Anastasia pulled the books in their place as she heard every detail coming out of her friend's mouth. "Yes. Now given the circumstances I had to make other arrangements."

           Harry looked briefly at Anastasia but she simply replied with a shrug. Then he confidently asked, "Have you?" The other girl face palmed herself at the way he asked. Almost as if he didn't believe it.

          "Yes." Hermione finally said, putting the last book in its place. "Why?" She continued, now facing her two friends.

          "Well," Harry looked back at Anastasia in ask for help but again, she shrugged with a smirk. "I just thought saying as none of us is going with who we'd like to, we should go together." Because Hermione's face, he quickly added, "As friends."

           "Why didn't I think of that?" Anastasia and Harry both looked at her with questioning looks.

           "Who are you going with?" He asked.

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