Chapter 1

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Daisy ✧

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I sat by the shore, watching the endless waves crash against the white sand.

My tears had dried, leaving black stains on my pale cheeks.

The moon had calmed my nerves, my heart began to steady as I watched the light of the moon shine down on the dark blue sea.

I bit my lip as my mind began to recount the memories from only minutes ago.

"You know you want me Daisy." He whispers against my ear.

I shake my head frantically trying to get out of his grip.

His hand comes to my chin, gripping it harshly.

"Stop playing hard to get, baby." He grits out as he shoves a hand down my pants squeezing my bottom.

"Your right. I'm sorry, Michael." I said softly looking up at him with attempting lustful eyes.

He smirks down at me and takes his hand out of my pants, bringing it to my cheek.

"I knew it." He whispers darkly kissing me down my neck.

I took this as my chance and lunged my knee towards his groin, pushing him off me as hard as I could, and made a fee line for downstairs.

I walked out of the house filled with drunk teenagers and breathed in the fresh winter air.

Tears began to well up again, but I immensely shook my head and sighed looking up at the moon.

Suddenly I feel someones presences next to me.

The smell of a manly cologne hits my nose, and I found myself shockingly loving the fragrance.

I frown and look beside me, only for my eyes to widen.

He had a single cigarette in his mouth, inhaling the smoke and exhaling through a small part of his lips.

His defined jaw was clenched as his cold eyes rested on the beach in front of us.

He had sat down beside me, one leg propped up as the other one laid flat on the sand.

Angel Romano.

My eyes widened as I realised I was in the presence of the cold-hearted killer himself.

His father scared me more though.

He was the son of the British/Italian Mafia Don, Carlos Romano.

Carlos made sure that anyone who crossed him ended up tortured and dead.

His son, Angel, did the dirty work most of the time. Killing multiple men and women, torturing them until they were lifeless.

Of course, that's only what I've heard.

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