Chapter 53

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Third Person POV ✧

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Third Person POV

"I appreciate everyone's patience; I know it's been a long couple of hours." The doctor begins to examine all of the agitated individuals in front of him.

"I'm deeply sorry for your son's tragedy." The man says, looking at Marina and Carlos.

The doctor then turns to face everyone and inhales deeply.

"Fortunately, we were able to save him."

Everyone in the room felt a wave of relief flood over them with those simple words.

Daisy felt as if the world had come to a halt around her, silent tears welled up in her red, swollen eyes as she gazed gratefully at the doctor in front of her.

"He was certainly a fighter. His body was lifeless as soon as we took him into the emergency room, but after a few pumps to the body, his heart rate began to rise again. It was unquestionably a miracle."

Daisy heard the doctors words as he spoke to Angel's parents, Marina was in reckless sobs as she clutched onto Carlos's body as the doctor began to explain the injuries.

"Can we see him?"

Daisy's voice stunned everyone since she hadn't spoken to hardly anyone in the previous five hours.

The doctor gave her a soft nod as he turned to face her.

"Yes, but only two at a time. He's currently resting." He announces to everyone.

Daisy gave a single nod before turning away from the man and allowing Mr and Mrs Romano to see their son first.

Tyson shot a glance across at his cousin and then drew her close to him.

Daisy encircled his neck with her arms and buried her head in his shoulder. Tyson caressed her back gently, attempting to soothe and relieve his cousin's suffering.

"Ty, thank you for being there for me." She speaks softly.

"Always, daffodil," He whispers back.

Daisy retreated from him and awaited the couple's return with eager anticipation.

Daisy grew restless after a while as her body prompted her to see her Angel.

"Viola." From the other side of the door came a deep, intimidating voice.

Daisy raised her eyes to see Carlos Romano standing at the entrance door.

"You can go in." He says in a gruff tone.

She nodded and rose, leaving everything behind and beginning to walk towards Angel's room.

Daisy's heart raced as she waited to see what was behind the closed door.

Other than relief, she had no idea what she would think or feel when she saw him.

Daisy arrived in front of the door just as Mrs Romano was exiting.

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