Chapter 52

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Third Person POV ✧

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Third Person POV

Daisy laid flat on the hospital bed, her cheeks streaked with black tears as she reflected on the events of the previous few hours.

She had awoken in a hospital bed after passing out, absolutely confused until it all came back to her.

She'd gotten out of bed, desperately looking for her Angel. Tyson was there to help her calm down when she was practically screaming at the doctors to let her see him.

Back to the present time, It's been five long hours since the incident occurred.

Daisy felt restless, and the pumping anxiety of finding out if he was okay was eating her alive.

At one point, she even believed she was going to throw up.

Angel's mother, Marina, sat in the waiting room along with her husband, Carlos.

Marina was devastated; her only child, her baby, was dying, and no one knew whether he would survive.

Her mind flashed back to all of his childhood memories.

As she recalled every moment with him, his bright smile and laughter filled her head. He used to beg her to prepare her special chocolate chip cookies when he got home from school.

His once-bright eyes, which were filled with nothing but happiness, joy, and innocence, were now empty like his fathers.

Although she hoped those eyes would lighten again, she knew as his mother that the girl he was currently with was regaining the happiness and light he had all those years ago.

More tears streamed down her flawless bronze cheeks, revealing the normally composed woman to be as vulnerable as she had ever been.

Carlos comforted his wife, despite the fact that his heart was as cold as ice and he had never expressed any affection towards his son, deep down he held concern.

Marina's thoughts were all over the place as she considered how foolish she could have been.

She knew what she was getting herself into when she married Carlos, and yet she still loved him.

But the one thing she regretted was allowing him to bring Angel into the Mafia, despite the fact that she knew she had no say in the matter. She thought to herself that if she had run away from him all those years ago, she might have been able to save her Angel.

She dismissed her own thoughts, thinking how absurd it would be. Even if she despised his lifestyle, there was no going back, and her love for her family was limitless.

Tyson took a seat across from where Daisy was lying.

He despised seeing his cousin in this state, and it pained him to the core.

He realised how broken she was without him, and how this boy could make her eyes light up just by the mere sound of his voice.

Every time she spoke to Tyson about Angel during dinner or when they cleaned the house together, he could see how happy she was with him.

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