Chapter 3

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Daisy ✧

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Classes flew by fast and eventually it was time for lunch.

I walked down the school halls and headed straight towards the cafeteria doors.

I pulled them open and was greeted with the loud shrieks of teens chatting.

My friends were all sat at a table, talking and eating.

I made my way over and smiled at them all.

"Daisy !" My friend Ian yelled happily.

I giggled at his excitement and went over to sit next to him.

He patted the seat next to him as I sat down.

He kissed the side of my head and wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

"I've missed you" He says pouting.

I laugh and shake my head at him.

"It's been two days, Ian." I tell him.

He shrugs and takes a bunch of fries into his hands.

"That's too long." He says.

I smile up at him and then decide to talk to everyone.

Lunch went by fast, everything seemed to be the same as usual.

The bell eventually had rung and everyone was packing up and leaving.

I walked with Miya and Ian towards our classes.
Unfortunately I didn't have any classes with them right now.

I said goodbye to my two friends as I entered my maths class.

I went over to my regular seat in the far back.

I sat down and placed my bag on the floor next to me.

I sunk down in my seat and stared blankly at the wall, zoning out completely.

The class filled up quickly and the teacher had arrived soon after.

Just as the class started, the classroom door opened.

Drake and Elio walked into the class, ignoring the teachers comments on how they were late.

They made their way to the back, right near where I sat.

I looked away from them and started to draw random things in my book.

I felt the seat next to me move as somebody sat down.

I looked to my left and saw none other than Elio sit next to me.

He wasn't looking at me though he was looking straight at the front.

I saw that Drake had also taken a seat behind me.

I look away and frown to myself slightly confused.

I've hardly ever seen them in this class, they would usually ditch or just wonder around the school.

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