Bonus Chapter 3 - 5 Million Special

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I know it's late, but thank you for five million my loves <3

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I know it's late, but thank you for five million my loves <3


My head peeped out from the corner of the threshold, spying on the two loves of my life.

Angel sat next to Nicholas on the carpentered floor, both playing with the toy cars Drake had gotten Nicholas a week ago.

The race track was fairly large, it was the only thing Nicholas was playing with for this previous week. Though once he got sick of it, he would end up finding something else to obsess over.

It was amusing to me.

A small smile came to my lips as Nicholas giggled lightly—he had won the race. Angel smirked, watching the giddy boy.

And as if feeling my eyes, his light mixed eyes slowly found mine. I blushed slightly from his intense gaze peering directly into my own—then not so subtly ran over my body.

Frantic nerves ran through my body, butterflies forming in the deepest parts of my body. Reaching back to my eyes, he nodded his head lightly to the side—indicating to come over.

Before I could move a muscle, our son had immediately run over to me.

"Mama!" Nicholas squealed and carried his little chubby legs up to me. I giggled as he hugged my legs and I picked him up, walking over to their current position.

"Can you play with us?" He asked, escaping out of my hold once we were on the ground. "I've beaten daddy three times now, I bet I can beat you!"

I scrunched my lips to the side and shook my head—picking up the yellow Ferrari. "I can beat you both," I shrugged and placed my car in the middle of the starting line.

Angel scoffed, shaking his head with some sort of amusement. I frowned at that, narrowing my eyes at him as he placed his regular black car on the end.

Nicholas sat between us both, hastily placing his car on the other end—seemingly not wanting to miss out.

"I count," He said, holding up his three short fingers. Angel glanced at me as Nicholas began counting, his eyes greeting mine and I looked away—shyly.

"Three," Nicholas mumbled, readying the position of his car. From the corner of my eye, I saw Angel smirk.


Refocusing back on my car's position, I wait for the last number. "One!"

Nicholas releases the latch and the cars zoom off. My eyes watch my car, solely. It raced fast around the loops and down the hill—landing at the finish line, first place.

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