Chapter 47

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Angel ✧

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Daisy took the lead as we walked through the corridors of my house.

She came to a halt and moved to the side, waiting for me to direct her.

I motioned to the right-hand door, which led to my room.

She walked inside after opening the door and I followed closely behind her.

I was intrigued by her curious brown eyes as they looked around the room in wonder.

She always seemed stunned whenever I took her somewhere as if she'd been concealed from the world.

I close and lock the door behind me.

Her short legs walked down to the side of the bed and sat down, her gaze trailing from the balcony doors to me.

Her lips curved into a smile, and her eyes gleamed as she turned her glance to me.

"I like your room." She says.

I suppress a smile and stare at her blankly.

My legs stroll up to my closet and pull out a pair of grey sweatpants.

I take off my shirt and jeans and replace them with the grey sweatpants I brought with me.

I emerge from the closet and find myself staring at Daisy, who is curled into my bedsheets.

Her gaze was blankly pointed out the window, towards the dark sky speckled with stars.

I walk over to her and place my phone on the side table as she hadn't noticed my presence yet.

I quietly climb beneath the blankets as I lie next to her.

Her eyes fall on me, and when she sees my naked chest, she blushes, and I smirk inwardly.

She turns away, her cheeks flushed, and her gaze returns to the sky.

I slid my hands to her waist and drew her closer to me; she squealed as a result of the contact, and I couldn't help but smirk.

Her entire body, as well as her eyes, turned to face me. They flashed from my eyes to my lips, completely obliterating my mind.

She unintentionally bit her bottom lip as she glanced at mine, my heart sped up insanely, as did my còck,

"Don't, moonlight." I rasp out looking at her full red lips.

Her innocent gaze pierced mine.

"Don't what?" Her tone is soft and seductive as she asks, confused.

Control, Angel.

I reach for her bottom lip with my thumb and gently pull it out of her mouth.

My fingertips on her waist felt goosebumps rise on her skin, and the heat in her lower region was undeniable.

Her hands slowly slid up from her sides and onto my chest.

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