Chapter 6

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Daisy's dress above ^

Daisy's dress above ^

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The throbbing in my head woke me up from my slumber.

My eyes open but close right back shut when the scorching sunlight hits my eyes.

I groan and then move out of my bed and walk to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth I walk out and head straight to the kitchen.

I turn on the coffee machine and start it up as I wait patiently for my coffee to be made.

My head throbs and I find myself zoning out on the empty wall across from me.

Once my coffee was made I took it to my lips and sipped it.

I closed my eyes and smiled.


I took some medicine for my hangover and sat down on the counter.

That was when it all hit me.

The memories came flashbacking through my mind and I placed my cup down mentally cringing at myself.

The memories of Michael made me sick to my stomach, and then the brief memories of after.

Angel's punches were a blur, though the ride home wasn't.

I thought about how much he had helped me and decided to go and thank him on Monday.

It was now Saturday, and I was more than relieved for it to be.

"Hey Daisy." Tyson's voice spoke from behind me.

I turn my head towards him and smile.

"How was the party ?" He asked me, taking a seat on the stool.

I pursed my lips thinking to tell him or not.

"It was okay." I said not digging to deep.

He looks up from his phone and eyes me.

I shrug innocently and get off the counter.

He was about to ask me a question but I cut him off.

"So when's that party thing where going to ?" I ask him changing the subject.

It seemed to work as his facial features change.

"It's tomorrow. I've gotta tell you a few things about it though." He says as his tone changes to a serious one.

I frown at this and pull my whole attention to him.

"So it's supposed to be a formal event, Aunt Helena said for you to dress 'proper', whatever the fùck that means." He says shrugging.

I scoff and roll my eyes.

Judgey bitch.

"Next, don't move from my side all night or at least stay in a 5 meter range." He says.

"Why ?" I ask him confused.

He looks at me as if questioning himself wether to tell me or not.

"There's supposed to be dangerous sort of people coming, that night." He says and then continues.

"There all business partners of Uncle Ren's. That's why they've invited us, because the business partners are all family orientated."

"That's why they decided it would be a good idea to invite us, so they could look better." He says rolling his eyes.

I take in all this information and raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"Well then." I say.

"Yeah, so just be careful." He says looking at me.

I nod in response and place my cup in the sink.

I turn around and begin walking upstairs back to my room.


The day flew by fast, which only contained with me watching Netflix and binge eating.

The next day came by fast and before I knew it, I was getting ready for the event.

I had picked out one of my nicest dresses and paired it with black heals.

I met Tyson downstairs, once he was ready, we got into his car and left.

The ride was long as we made our way to the richer side of our town.

Once we finally had made it, there were all sorts of cars parked around the street.

Extremely expensive ones, that is.

Tyson parked, and we got out of the car walking side my side to the doors.

We stood out the front and looked at the doors before opening them.

"Ready cousin dearest." Tyson says sarcastically.

I laugh and reply.

"Indeed I am." I say.

He loops his arm through mine and opens the doors.

We were immediately greeted by the immense crowd of men and women.

We walked in and were greeted by our Aunt Helena.

"Hello dears." She says kissing our cheeks.

"Hey Aunt Helena." I say smiling at her.

She looks at me, eyeing my outfit and nodding approvingly.

"You look gorgeous Daisy." She says.

"Thank you" I say softly.

"Come, and I'll introduce you to some people." She says waving us to follow her.

Tyson lead me the way as we moved through the floor of people.

The men in the room seemed to be eyeing me, making me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

We made it to a lady who wore an expensive looking dress, matching with glass heals and a set of diamonds caressing her neck.

Aunty Helena introduced us all, they all chatted while I stayed quiet and listened.

I zoned out as my eyes scanned the room.

Beautiful and elegant ladies and gentlemen where scattered around, drinking there expensive champagne and chatting amongst themselves.

As I went over all the elegant people, my eyes had then connected with familiar cold ones, only to realise who they belonged too.




Hey everyone !!

How are you all liking Moonlight ?

I apologise for the shorter chapter today, after today's chapter the next ones will be longer, and hopefully I'll get in some double updates. :))

I hope you all have an amazing day/night.

Love always,


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