Chapter 21

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Daisy ✧

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"Daisy." He whispers.

I look at him wide-eyed.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I wanted to apologise for hurting you, I was drunk and stupid." He admits.

I stare at him dumbfoundedly, I don't miss the way he looks at something behind me as he talked.

I discreetly moved to the side and looked at who was behind me.

My eyes had landed on his group.

"That doesn't give you an excuse for what you did." I tell him moving my gaze away from the smirking boys.

He looks back over at me, he inhales deeply as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I know, It's just, I didn't take your rejection very well." He admits.

I stare at him weirdly.

"Okay." Is all I say.

What was I supposed to say?

Forgive him?

Fùck no.

"Is there a problem?"

Ian comes beside me and wraps an arm over my shoulder as he glares at Michael.

I silently thank him in my head.

Michael's eyes grow dark as he looks at Ian's arm over my shoulder.

His eyes snap to Ian's and an evil glint laid in his eyes.

"There's no problem here, fág." Michael sneers sickly.

Well, Tyson, it looks like your self-defence lessons didn't go to waste after all.

In a flash and even before I could think it through, my fist connected to Michael's jaw.

"You asshole!" I shout at him, blinded by pure rage.

"Fuck, Daisy!" I hear Ian shout.

Michael's face widens as my fist connects to his face again.

Michael's hand comes out, my eyes widened as his hand was inches away from hitting me, luckily someone's hand had caught it.

From behind me, someone had lifted me up and away from Michael.

I shriek and wiggle out of their hold but it was no use as their grip was on a tight hold which was certainly far too strong for me.

I'm being pulled through the cafeteria to the silent halls of the school.

The person thankfully puts me down and steadies me.

I turn around and push their hands off of me.

My eyes went up to the tall figure in front of me and I mentally sighed in relief as I saw none other than Angel Romano.

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