Chapter 19

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Angel ✧

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I pulled up to the broken-down building and parked on the curb.

I took my gun out of the glove department and placed it in my hand.

After pulling my shades on I abruptly opened my car door and stood out.

I looked behind me and signaled my men to follow me.

Business during daylight was risky, but I'd know better than to disobey my father's orders.

God forbid the fùcker does anything for himself.

I walk inside the building, my eyes meet Elio's as he was leaning against the wall, his gun in his hand.

I nod in a direction and he follows behind me.

We made it to the door we were looking for.

It was closed but easily seemed broken enough to open with a slight push.

I kicked my leg at the door and it automatically slammed open.

My eyes glance over to the man in the corner, crawled in a ball, sobbing quietly.

Packets of white powder surrounding him along with empty beer bottles.

I walk up to him and kneel to his level.

I watch him flinch as I take my hand to my pocket and grab my lighter and a cigarette.

I place the stick between my lips and light it up, looking him in the eye while doing so.

"P-please Angel, tell your father to g-give me another chance." He stutters hopelessly.

His beady stoned eyes were glossy as if he were about to cry.


Elio came beside me, looking the man dead in the eye before shooting his leg.

The man screamed in agony.

Music to my ears.

"Money?" I asked as I took a drag.

He coughed as the smoke blew in his face.

I cocked my head and swung the gun around my finger.

His eyes widened impossibly more as his leg pooled in blood underneath him.

"He asked you a question." Elio snaps at him.

The man flinches and looks up at me.

"No." He says quietly.

The anger within me strikes.

"Grab him." I order darkly.

My men come in front of me and lift him with ease.

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