Chapter 20

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Daisy ✧

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Oh, how I despise Monday's.

My hangover had recovered all day yesterday, though it was thoroughly just me sleeping throughout the whole day until Tyson had finally woken me up to eat.

After getting ready for school I went downstairs and sat on the counter as I waited for Tyson.

"Morning." I greet happily as he walks through the doorway.

His head jolts up from his phone and looks at me surprised.

"You're up early." He mutters.

"I am."

He eyes me weirdly before grabbing an apple and his car keys.

"Let's go, Daffodil."

"I told you not to call me that." I scold.

He smirks and places an arm over my shoulder.

"It fits you." He says smugly.

I scoff and walk with him to the car.

Tyson has been calling me 'Daffodil' since we were kids, it was a way to get on my nerves, since my name was 'Daisy' he thought it would be funny to call me a different flower name.


We got into the car and made our way to school.

"How's Miya doing?" Tyson asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I look at him with a sly smile.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"I'm asking because she's your best friend, and as your cousin, I am concerned for my only cousins best friend."

"That made no sense." I say blankly.

"You make no sense." He retorts.

"Don't start me, I will attack you." I say pointing a finger at him.

"I'm driving, you can't do shít to me."

"Well, when you stop driving I'll attack you."

"Well, y-

He gets interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Suck on that." I say poking my tongue out at him as I take my phone out.

"Hello?" I greet.

"Hey, it's Ian. Can you meet me at my locker when you get here?"

"Yeah sure, I'm like 5 minutes away." I reply.

"Okay, see you soon."

I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket.

We pulled up to the gates and Tyson drove to the front.

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