Chapter 56

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Daisy ✧

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My head was pounding horrendously when I awoke.

My body was tense, and my bones seemed to be barely functioning.

I gradually opened my eyes, adjusting to the strong light.

My eyes narrowed slightly as I scanned the room, my mind blank and confused.

Wheres Angel?

My left ear was ringing, and the other appeared to be blocked; muffled voices could be heard from a distance it was as if I were underwater and hearing voices from above.

My eyes had adjusted and I looked around the room, which was dark except for the light shining down on me from the ceiling.

My heartbeat quickened as I realised I wasn't in the hospital room with Angel anymore; it felt like I was in a basement or possibly an underground room.

It was filthy, and it smelled like literal cows shít.

There were several stains on the walls and flooring beneath me, and the walls were a dark grey and chipped.

In the far corner, I could make out the figure of a table and chair against the wall, and there was one solitary small window that was closed but let the moonlight indirectly above me.

I bit my lower lip nervously and reached for my hand to run through my hair, but it became stuck, and my unaware self realised I was tied up.

I was curled up in a ball in the corner of this dreadful room, my wrists and feet tied behind me.

I felt something drop from the side of my head, and I assumed it was blood because of the throbbing pain in the same spot.

Oh my god.

Breathe, Daisy.

I attempted to remember what had happened or how I had ended up here, but I couldn't recall anything.

It was as if the entire memory had been swept away from my mind.

Okay, easy strategy, just take steps back.

I tried to remember my last memory, which was Angel who had stormed out of the room after looking at something on my phone.

Then it all started to fall back into place.

Flashback ~

9:58 P.M

I read the time slowly, my heart and head throbbing from anxiety.

I rose slowly from the bed and began making my way to the door, wiping my palms on my leggings as they began to sweat.

Just as I latched onto the handle, someone had bursted in.

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