Chapter 11

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Daisy ✧

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The two males walked around each other like predators hunting for their prey.

I played with the rings on my fingers as I watched anxiously.

The boy was the first one to make a hit.

Angel dodged it easily as he eyed the other guy's moves carefully.

His face was held stone cold as he looked at him.

Angel then had made his first move.

His arm swung as his fist made contact with the boy's jaw.

He stumbled back a bit but then easily recovered.

"Kent's got no idea what he's up against." Drake says shaking his head amused.

I looked up at him questionable but then my attention went straight back to the ring as people cheered loudly.

The boy was on the floor as Angel was now on top of him, punching the living daylights of him.

The other guy attempted to hit him, but Angel had missed it.

Angel continued his hits and I flinched, looking away as I saw the boy about to pass out.

Suddenly Angel had gotten knocked over, the guy had lifted his leg and flipped him over.

He weakly began to hit Angel but due to his weakened state, Angel managed to hit him once more and he was then lying flat on the ground.

The crowd went crazy as they yelled and cheered for Angel, and some were booing at the passed out guy.

Angel stood up and wiped away the blood from his mouth.

He stared at the crowd emotionlessly as his eyes made their way to mine.

I smiled at him and held my thumbs up.

He stared into my eyes before moving them away and walking off the ring.

"The winner, Ladies and Gentlemen, Angel Romano !" The announcer screams into the microphone and the crowd continues to cheer.

Everyone had settled down and begun moving out of the arena or near the bar.

"Come with me Daisy, we'll meet Angel over there." Lycian says pointing to the bar.

I nod and take the hand Lycian held out for me.

We made it to the bar and I took a seat on a stool.

"I'll be back. Don't move from this spot." Lycian says as he walks away towards a door.

I turn in my seat and order a drink for myself and sigh as my eyes linger around the place.

I looked over from my seat and saw Angel being surrounded by girls more specifically the dressed-up play bunny ones.

He didn't pay attention to them as Drake talked to him, though the manicured hands that were becoming too close to his arm became a problem.

I felt a scowl grace my face, as I turned away from the sight.

He's not yours, stop being so damn jealous.

Plus you just met him.

I rolled my eyes at my inner thoughts.

"What's got you all worked up, gorgeous ?" I heard a masculine voice say from beside me.

I cranked my neck over my shoulder and saw the boy Angel was just fighting.

"Nothing." I say drowning my drink.

"Hm, seems like it." He says smirking.

"You look like crap." I point out.

He chuckles seeming to take no offence to my statement.

"Way to make a guy feel good."  He says taking a glass in his hands and drowning the drink the bartender gave him.

"I'm sure your ego is high enough." I say, placing my cup down.

He raises his eyebrows at me in amusement.

"We should hang out sometime." He says tilting his head slightly.

My eyes go from the boy to Angel and my heart stops as they connect with his.

His cold eyes linger on my face before turning to the boy in front of me.

His jaw ticks as he looks away and turns back to Drake, saying something to him which makes Drake look over too.

I look away from them and turn back to the boy in front of me.

"Kent." He says holding his hand out.

I smile and take it.

"Daisy." I say, shaking his hand.

"Your a pretty one, Daisy. Probably the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on." He says casually.

I purse my lips and look at him.

"I really doubt that." I say, laughing slightly.

"I mean it." He says looking at me seriously.

Before he could say anything further, three tall figures had surrounded us.

Drake, Elio and Lycian, are all surrounding Kent and me.

"What's up Knight." Lycian says nodding his head at him.

Though you could tell it wasn't as friendly as it sounded to be.

Something else was laced in his voice, and it wasn't good.

Kent looked up at him, narrowing his eyes slightly as he leaned back in his seat and smirked up at him.

"Lycian, boys, good to see you." He says nodding towards them all.

I sit back in my seat and watch the encounter, my eyes scan for Angel though he wasn't amongst them.

"You doing okay ? pretty rough fight." Drake says, leaning his elbow against the bar table next to me.

"Yeah, after Angel beat your ass." Elio mutters.

"What's this really about ?" Kent says, clearly not having it.

"What do you mean ?" Lycian says innocently.

Before any of them could say anything else a strong arm wrapped around my waist and I was suddenly pulled over someone's shoulder.

I squealed and started hitting the persons back.

"Hey !" I scream, continuing my weak hits.

I get no response as I'm simply being carried away.

I give up and just lie limp in their arms.

Once we had made it outside I got put down and I held my head as dizziness waved over me.

Once I had gotten my senses back I looked over and saw none other than Angel.

I sighed in relief but then frowned remembering what he had just done to me.

Being the petty bítch that I am, I simply walked away from him.

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