Chapter 41

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Daisy ✧

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I couldn't have been happier that it was Friday.

I had gone to bed after dinner with Ty last night.

I truly don't underestimate my sleeping abilities, I could honestly sleep for a century and never wake up.

I haven't heard from Angel, and I was debating whether or not to text him, but I figured I'd see him at school tomorrow if he was there.

Tyson dropped me off at school and informed me that I would need to organize a ride home.

My light feet scuff against the school floorboards as I stroll into the building.

I make it to my locker, open it up, and grab all the belongings that I needed.

Shortly after, I made my way towards my first class.

As I round a corner, my gaze is drawn to a pair of grey, blue ones.

He stood against a locker, his silky dark hair gracefully fell down his forehead as he stared at Lycian in front of him, emotionlessly. His clothing was casual, consisting of grey sweatpants and a loose-fitting black hoodie.

As if sensing my stare, his eyes went from Lycian to me.

His face was expressionless, but his eyes spoke a different story.

His lips moved, as he was saying something to Lycian while keeping his gaze fixed on me.

Lycian winked at me as he walked away from Angel, and I took advantage of the opportunity to speak with him. I moved my legs as I made my way over to the stunning boy in front of me.

As I approached him, I smiled at him, but his eyes remained fixed on me as he studied my body in detail, causing my face to blush slightly.

I stood in front of him and tilted my head to look up at him once I'd made it.

His glance into mine was piercing, and it made my knees weak.

"Hi." I greet softly, tilting my head to the side.

With a tiny smirk on his lips, he nods his head towards me.

"Moonlight." His husky voice greets.

I gently open my arms, motioning for him to hug me.

His tongue glides over his bottom lip before he leans down and pulls my body against his hard rock one.

As his arms wrap around me, I sigh contentedly and tighten my arms around his waist, my head resting softly on his chest.

His large hands massaged my waist, sending tingles up my spine just from the touch.

After a bit, he drew me away and stared me down.

"Okay?" He asks me.

I nod my head and smile.

"Go out with me tonight?" He asks as looks me in the eyes and twirls a strand of my hair around his finger.

I shake my head.

"I've got plans, sorry." I say bluntly and turn away from him.

Just as I was about to walk away, his hand grabs my forearm and pulls me back, backing me up into a locker.

He hovers over me, his arms enclosing me from both sides.

"Plans, hm?" He says huskily as he leans his head to my level.

I give a quick nod, not trusting my voice at the moment.

I felt myself melt as he gave me a panty-dropping smirk.

"What are your plans, Daisy?" He whispers against my neck.

My knees go weak and I try to control myself.

All this sexùal tension for one little joke.

"None of your Business, Romano." I rasp out quietly.

He shakes his head amused and smirks up at me.

"I think it is, Moonlight." He says tracing his thumb along my cheekbone as he stares up at me.

I tuck my bottom lip between my teeth and look at him blankly, trying to keep up my act.

His eyes gaze into mine, never breaking his eye contact as he leans closer and closer to my lips.

Eventually, they were only just hovering over mine, his eyes glance down to them and I follow his actions doing the same to his.

"Yes, I'll go with you tonight." I answer him quietly.

He smirks and then presses his lips to mine.

My brain automatically stops functioning as my mind goes hazy, sparks tingling my skin.

Our lips move together in a slow pace.

His tongue brushed my bottom lip though I didn't let him in. His hand moves from the locker behind me and roams down my waist, all the way to my bottom.

He gently squeezes a cheek and I gasp, my mouth opens and his tongue plunged inside.

The kiss quickly heated up. My arms around his neck went up into his hair as my hands raced through the silky strands.

Our tongues were fighting for domination, and our lips were moving in sync.

After a few moments, I pulled away as I needed to get some air into my lungs.

Angel was breathing regularly, as he always was.

"I'll see you at 7." He whispers and kisses my cheek before striding out of the school doors.

I just stand there gaping at his disappearing figure.



Hi everyone <3

I apologise for the short chapter, I'll make sure the next one is longer. I wasn't feeling the best so I didn't have much motivation to write, though I hope it was still good :)

Anyways, thank you all for your support throughout the book so far. I love reading your comments and your votes and reads make my days !!

Have an amazing day/night.

Love always,

Lei <3

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