Chapter 5

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Daisy ✧

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"We're going out tonight." Miya says over the phone.

I bite my lip as I look down at my shoes.

"Um, where too ?" I ask a bit anxiously.

"A party at Leo's." She says.

I contemplated but ended up agreeing.

I got ready for the party, Miya was going to be picking me up.

I grabbed my purse and took everything that I needed before walking out of my room and heading straight down stairs.

I walked over to Tyson, who was sitting on the couches reading some sort of paper work.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm going to a party tonight, Miya's picking me up." I tell him as I glance at my phone, reading the time.

"Okay. Be careful D, and if anything and I mean anything happens, you call me asap." He says seriously.

I point my finger at him and speak in a deep voice.

"Yes sir." I say jokingly.

He rolls his eyes and waves his hand at me.

"Okay, leave now." He says going back to the paper in his hand.

"Asshole." I mumble as I walk out of the kitchen.

"I heard that !" He yells.

I laugh and open the front door and then close it.

I see Miya in her car waiting for me.

I open the passenger door and slide in.

"You look fùcking gorgeous." She squeals at me.

I giggle and buckle my seatbelt in.

"Says you, Miya." I tell her.

"Your literally perfection." I say as I motion my hand over her whole body.

She laughs and shakes her head as she starts the car.

The drive to the party was a little bit longer than our usual rides, since our friend Leo lives on the much richer side of our small town.

Once we finally made it, the music could be heard from down the street, this only told me how crazy the party had to be.

Miya parked and we walked together into the party.

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