Chapter 29

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Daisy ✧

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A deep voice came from beside me.

Leave me the fùck alo-

"Daisy, wake up, you've got school."

I recognised Tyson's voice as he shook me awake.

"I'm up, go away." I mumble snuggling into my pillow more.

I hear him sigh deeply.

In a quick second, the warm blankets were yanked off of me and I was being dragged out of the bed.

I screamed and my eyes shot open.

"I'm going to kill you," I threaten, looking up at him from the floor.

He grinned down at me and shrugged.

"Not my fault."

He walks away carelessly and I get up from the floor now in a grumpy mood.

"Fùcking school..." I mumble angrily slamming the bathroom door closed.


"You what!" Miya screeched loudly.

"Jesus, fùck, do you have to scream woman!" Ian shouts.

I stare at them both blankly.

"You realise your both screaming now." I mention.

"So you were practically experiencing the real fast and furious?" Ian says.

I shrug and respond.

"Pretty much."

"Damn," Miya says leaning back in her seat.

I was currently sitting at lunch with Miya and Ian, I had filled them in from last nights events.

Tyson ended up telling me it was some sort of guard that went completely mental at the ball and ended up shooting down the place.

Obviously, he ended up dead.

Though it did trigger all the other lethal dangerous people in the room, which led to more gunfire's.

From afar my eyes scan over the many tables of people, they reach a certain table that held a certain boy.

Angel, was leaned back in his seat with his head tilted back.

His beautifully dishevelled brown hair fell over his eyes as they were shut closed.

He looked tired.

I mean I don't blame him, after last night you would have to be.

After I fell asleep in the car, I hadn't heard from him since, obviously, I assumed he took me home and placed me in bed and then left.

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