Chapter 32

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Angel ✧

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I watched her eyes light up as she walked through the doors.

Closing the door behind me, I walked in behind her and strained my eyes on her figure as she looked around the

I figured out her love for books from her endless stack of them in her room.

She went over to the corner of the room and stood on her toes as she tried to grab the light pink book.

I went behind her and easily grabbed the book into my hands.

I felt her body stiffen as I came behind her, knowing the effect I had on her I smiled inwardly.

Little did she know she had that exact same effect on me.

Her small body turned around to me as she looked up at me with her brown doe eyes.

I handed her the book as her hands reached to grab it but then lifted my arm higher out of her reach with the book still intact.

She gasped dramatically and stood back.

Daisy tried to grab the book again but I just kept my arm up and away from her reach.

Seeing her short self struggle amused me.

"Angel." She said seriously.

Her brown eyes looked up at me, attempting to be intimidating me though she truly just looked like a lost puppy.

We held each other's eyes until she finally gave up and huffed.

I chuckled and handed her the book.

She smiled and took the book from me, she laced her hand with mine as she led us towards the leather couches.

Daisy sat down and I sat down next to her.

I patted my leg for her to lie down on, to which she did.

She snuggled against my chest and opened the book.

"Do you want me to read to you again?" She asks me.

I nod my head and she smiles looking back down at the book.

Her voice began filling my ears as she read aloud to me.

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes as my fingers traced patterns onto her exposed thigh.

An hour or so later her body had begun to shut down, her voice trailed off as did the book in her hands.

"Sleep, Daisy." I tell her.

She nods and places the book on her stomach as her eyes flutter shut.

I continued to trace my fingers against her warm skin.

Soon after that, she was placed in a deep sleep, her even breaths told me so.

I stared at her sleeping frame, it made me oddly calm seeing her at peace or her just simply with being with me.

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