Chapter 49

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Third Person POV ✧

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Third Person POV

Daisy was thrilled to see her cousin the next morning.

Tyson raised his head from his phone and returned her bright smile.

"Daffodil, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" Tyson exclaimed as he enveloped her in his arms.

In her cousin's arms, she hugged him back and sighed.

"How's it going at work?" She asks as she moves away from him.

He shrugs carelessly.

"As usual, I'm really busy." He tells her this without mentioning the killings he's committed.

Daisy was Tyson's best friend and little sister, he didn't want her to think of him any differently. Knowing what he did for a living was sufficient, but knowing specific details about his job was something he didn't want to reveal.

Daisy reached for an apple from the fruit basket.

"I'll drive you." Tyson tells Daisy.

She nods and slings her half-empty black bag over her shoulder as she walks to the front door.

"How was your night with Angel?" With a sly look, Tyson asks her.

Her pale cheeks flushed crimson red, and she walked away from him to the car.

"It was nice." She responds quickly.

Tyson snickers and slightly nods his head.

"I'm sure it was." He muttered.

Tyson started the car and drove straight out of their driveway onto the highway.

"Have you finally grown a pair and taken Miya out?" Daisy asks her cousin as she fidgets with the silver bracelet her boyfriend gave her.

"No," Tyson responds.

Daisy lifts an eyebrow as she glances at him.

"However, I plan to." Tyson says with determination.

"When?" Daisy asks and looks at him sharply.

"Tonight," Tyson boldly declares.

Daisy sighs and shakes her head in disappointment.

"You should ask her nicely and take her out to a nice restaurant, and you should double-check that she is available tonight." Daisy informs him.

Tyson nods and begins to mentally go over everything.

Daisy quietly giggled at her cousin's sudden focus.

They arrived at Daisy's high school sometime later.

Tyson sped through the gates and pulled up in front of Daisy's school doors, making her blush at the students' curiosity with his fast car.

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