Chapter 15

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Daisy ✧

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Time went by fast.

My lips had carried the words of the chapters, speaking the endless words of the book.

Angel seemed to enjoy it, I had never seen him in such a vulnerable state.

Even though his face was kept motionless, his body seemed so relaxed and dignified.

It was like my voice was something that calmed him or even my mere presence.

Though, I could just be reading into it.

He played with my hair as I read the final line of chapter thirty.

My eyes had eventually started to get tired.

Angel had taken the book from my lap, he places a bookmark between the two pages and then places the book down on the table.

I snuggle my head in his chest and sigh.

"I love It here." I admit.

"This is my mothers." He says, referring towards the library.

"Does she still come here ?" I ask him.

He looks down at me and shakes his no.

"My father build it for her." He says.

"That's sweet of him." I say, completely forgetting who his father was.

He hums in response.

"Their marriage went down the drain when they had me." He says blankly.

I looked up at him giving him my utmost attention.

"What do you mean ?" I ask confused.

"My mother hated his lifestyle, always had and always will. When they found out my mother was pregnant, my father made it his mission to turn me into him. But just worse." He says emotionlessly.

"And your mother didn't want that for you, therefore they disagreed." I say adding everything together.

He hums and brushes his thumb over my cheekbone.

Our eyes bore into each other, It was like a sudden trance pulling us in.

Suddenly, our faces had gotten closer.

Inch by Inch our lips make their way to each other, it was like a string was attached and it was tugging us closer.

Soon enough we were now only inches apart.

Our breaths were mingling into one, and I found my eyes on his lips.

I moved my gaze from his lips to his eyes, only to see him already fixated on me.

Slowly, I moved my hand to cup his cheek, my face had gotten impossibly closer and now our lips were brushing over each other.

I had this certain desire ignite within me, I wanted, no, needed his lips against mine.

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