Chapter 2

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Daisy ✧

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My alarm blared through my ears, waking me up completely.

I groaned loudly and slapped the button down, causing the ridiculously noisy sound to stop.

I threw the blankets off of me and shivered as the cold air hit my bare skin.

I walked over to the bathroom rubbing my eyes, attempting to wake myself up.

I quickly showered and then got ready for school.

I made my way downstairs, heading straight for the kitchen.

Tyson was already up and ready in his business suit, as he talked on the phone.

I swear, he looks all serious and intimidating but once you get to know him he's a big teddy bear.

I kiss him on the cheek before going over to the cabinet and taking out the cereal box.

I poured my cereal into a bowl and then placed the milk in.

I grabbed a spoon and began gulping it down.

Tyson got off the phone and placed it back into his pocket.

"You need a ride this morning ?" He asks me.

I nod my head yes, as my mouth was full.

I quickly finished eating and then walked with Tyson to his car.

We got in and he started driving.

I blasted music on the way there, much to Tyson's dismay of wanting his music, I never gave him the chance.

"How was the party last night ?" He asks me raising an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged and started to fiddle with the ends of my skirt.

"It okay." I said lying straight through my teeth.

"No it wasn't, what happened." Tyson asked pulling the car over as we were outside of my school.

He turned the music down and turned to me, giving me his full attention.

I avoided eye contact with him knowing I would give in.

"Daisy." He says seriously.

I sighed loudly and turned to him.

"Nothing happened Ty, just boys being boys." I tell him looking straight at him now.

"Was it that football kid, that's like obsessed with you." He says rolling his eyes.

I sometimes forget he's only 20 years old with the way he acts.

"Yeah, Michael." I say frowning slightly.

"You do know if he hurts you that he'll be dead right ?" He says sternly.

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