Chapter 24

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Angel ✧

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Daisy moves through the crowd easily, pulling me close behind her.

I watch as her hips sway the slightest as she walks, her long black hair moving with it.

She was like a walking goddess, and I wasn't the only one to think that.

The blue-lit room contrasted with her features, her eyes followed the trail that led towards the front doors.

We make it out of the crowded room, the cool breeze hitting our skin.

I watch Daisy shiver as we walk down the steps.

I rolled my eyes and took my jacket off pulling it around her.

She looked over at me and smiled as she slid her arms through.

"Thanks, Angel."

I nod at her in response and lead her towards my car.

Opening my car, I opened the door for her and helped her get into the jeep.

I shut the door once she was in and strided over to my side.

After starting the car, I drove away heading straight towards her house.

"Can I ask you something?" Her soft voice asks.

I glance at her and nod.

I heard her inhale and then speak.

"What happened with Michael?"

I bit my lip as I turned a corner and took in her question.

"Truth?" I ask her.

"Please." She replies.


I felt her stiffen completely.

I mentally rolled my eyes at this.

I wasn't used to being careful with what I say around people, I just didn't care and never would.

But now it's different.

Because of her, and it would only be around her that I would be careful.

She's innocent and delicate, I can't corrupt her.

And it seemed that I began to feel when I was around her, the nonexistent emotions in my body seemed to jolt up at the mere sound of her name.

I turn to her as we stop at a red light, her eyes were focused on her hands as she played with the bracelet around her wrist.

I licked my lips and tilted my head back, closing my eyes.


I could feel her eyes on me now.

"Yes?" She whispers quietly.

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