Chapter 10

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Daisy ✧

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The day went by fast, and before I knew it, I was getting ready for Angel's 'fight' tonight.

Clearly, it was some sort of underground fighting ring or something.

I've seen enough movies to know about that.

I got dressed into simple light denim ripped jeans, pairing them with a black spaghetti strap cropped top.

I pull on my white converse and then make my way downstairs.

"I'm heading out." I yell once I made it downstairs.

"Be back before 12." Tyson yells back.

I don't reply as I shut the front door and walk down my porch steps.

Angel's car arrives just as I make it to the sidewalk.

I watch, as he gets out of the car and walks over to me.

I wave at him in greeting.

He opens the passenger door and I walk over getting in.

He closes it and goes around to his side.

He leans back in his seat and begins speeding down the street.

"Can I have your phone ?" I ask him.

He doesn't look at me or does he answer, he simply takes his phone out of his pocket and places it in my hands.

I smile, unlocking the phone and placing my number in his contacts.

I sent a message to myself so that I also had his number.

I handed him his phone and he easily placed it back into his pocket.

"I put my number in your phone." I mention.

He nods in response, I lean back in my seat and relax, watching the cars fly by as we speedily make our way towards the fight club.

"Do you like music ?" I ask him randomly.

He looks over at me emotionlessly as we stop at a red light.

He shrugs.

"Don't mind it." He says.

I grin happily and clap my hands.

"Great !" I say enthusiastically as I take my phone and plug it into his aux.

"You don't mind do you ?" I ask, being cautious.

He licks his lips and looks down at me.

"No." He answers.

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